HMC Rich
Short answer for now.
The Republican party is going through changes. And some Republicans are dumb enough to try and let people like Krugman lead the changes.
Essentially, what is happening is that the Progressive arm of the Republican party is in its death throes. The party has absorbed a tough loss and now will need to strategically define what it wants to do in the future. Actually the future holds many good candidates politically, and also will make its message heard as America changes.
Two years ago, the Democrats received the worst election losses nationally and locally. Or have you forgotten that. No you are ignoring it.
Besides Ronald Reagan and parts of Bush II, there has not been a conservative in power. The federal government has grown progressively and has never really gotten smaller.
So to say the Cuts won’t work is insane because it has not been tried. Over and over revenues have risen when tax rates are cut.
Sorry Wakeflood but the Krugman narrative is wrong. Regular old common sense shows us that at some point if you overspend you cannot recover.
I need to research this more. But the bottom line is Krugman is covering the hind end of Reid and Obama by changing the negative into a positive. He is saying debts don’t matter so the future is peachy.
That is like me looking at a house on fire and saying, the smoke must be good because I can’t see the flames.