Re: Go Hillary



I am not trying to bash Clinton I am trying to point out one of the strongest reasons why people of my in my age bracket our voting for Obama. ( I am 25). I think that a number of us have not spoken up in the past about who we think could when the past two elections and lets take a look around and see where that has gotten us. So yes the number one reason why I would like to see Obama come out ahead after the primaries is because I do think he can and will win. A few of the other reasons I support Obama include the fact that he seems more like the guy next door and someone you can open up to than Hillary. Furthermore, he would be change. And change is what we need. Lets take a look back for my entire lifetime starting since before i was born in 1982 we have had either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. (Including VP’s) Now fast forward to today and take a look at where we are. Yes I like Hillary, I think she has great points, and I think she is an extremely positive role model for all women out there; however, i disagree that she is what we need. Take a look @ Obama’s web page if you have a chance he isn’t forgetting Healthcare, or kids, in fact he addresses each issue and has huge plans as to how to change the problems with in each of these issues. Maybe his biggest weakness is that he is not speaking out about them enough–but to me i think that plays into his hope campaign. that if he doesn’t over sell what he plans to change people will believe in him and have hope for our country!