Re: Go Hillary




you can spout numbers all you want to.

neither candidate is likely to walk into the convention with an overwhelming mandate.

if one does, that one will be the candidate.

if not, the process of the Democratic convention kicks in and they can choose anyone they like to be our candidate.

Maybe they will decide that this campaign has been too devisive and choose a new candidate… not likely, but entirely possible.

i am not sure who you think superdelegates are.. but they are not all the “ruling class”.. they are simply party members.

Obama chose to run as a candidate for the democratic party… to become the top dog in that “ruling class”.

as for the illusion that this is some kind of class war… the poor vote (and most powerless among us) as often for Clinton as for Obama… and more so in some demographics…

Obamas support is strongest among young middle class voters who have never participated in the elective system before.

so, to use your own rhetoric..

why would it not be hiway robbery for Obama to walk out of that convention the winner? He certainly doesn’t represent me.. or about half of those who call themselves democrats… if the comments of you and other Obama supporters are accurate in that they will vote for McCain if he isn’t the candidate.. then a good number of Obama supporters don’t support the democratic party or it’s ideals at all.

and Clinton’s early lead aside.. Obama hasn’t had the overwhelming success you mention since super tuesday.. and he wasn’t able to cinch the nomination as he had hoped even then.

to use your venacular.. “for the love of the party you claim to embrace”…

and by the way that and other phrases of yours are a clear insult to someone who has defended democratic ideals and democratic candidates for about 40 years now…and actually has committed … without knowing who the candidate will be… to work for them in the upcoming election…

any democrat who does not vote for the party’s nominee.. no matter who that nominee is… is throwing away the ideals of the candidate they claim to support.

I can’t be any more clear than that.