Re: Go Hillary


Hi House – I hope you do take the opportunity to stop by the Food Bank fundraising event on Sunday. I’ve been thinking about some of your comments, and I think that coming by would be helpful to anyone who has particular stereotypes about the folks who benefit from the Food Bank. House, I encourage you to at least visit the Food Bank’s website: and look at some of the statistics regarding their clients – children, elderly and disabled people. You’ll note on the list the absence of “ne’er-do-well, beer-swillin’ welfare slackers.” I also encourage you to read some of the client stories in their archived newsletters to get a good sense of who is using the food bank and it’s related services. Above all House, I ask you divorce the notion of “Pride” from the reality of “Need.” There is NO SHAME in finding avenues to feed yourself and your family. Without proper nutrition it’s excessively difficult to be an active worker/student/member of society. People like you and me get our three squares a day and are able to contribute socially. Some folks have to decide which meal(s) to give up to make ends meet. Tell me House, which meal(s) would you give up each day? And no fair saying “dessert.”


Hope to see you Sunday House.