you are not seriously still going on about this are you?
do you really think it is right that the voices of those in michigan and florida should be stilled simply because the democratic party wanted to censure the state political associations?
what happened to your call for democracy? The people’s voices. and all of that?
howard dean says that it was never the intention of the democratic national party to deny the seating of delegates in Florida or Michigan.
They thought there would be an acknowledged nominee and that nominee would graciously seat the delegates from those two states.
they didn’t count on a closely contested nomination.
hillary is only stating the same reality Howard dean has been stating since April.
In politics there is often a wide gulf between the reality of negotiated agreements and the wording of those same agreements…
and i thought you were all for candidates exposing reality:)
or do those sentiments only apply when they can be used in favor of your candidate?