Re: Go Barack



I am amazed at this conversation. it’s one i would expect to be having with republicans.. not democrats…

comments like “barely high school educated who are her base” or “get a second job” are not indicative of the difference between the educated and the non-educated…

but the difference between those who put the needs of the least high on their list and those who don’t.

and those phrases and more are coming out of the mouths of supporters of Senator Obama…

I have to ask… just what it are you thinking?

since when did maligning the opposition candidate become more important than compassion and understanding for those less fortunate?

is this the great uniting?

looks more and more like the great dividing to me.

elitism: from the Merriam Webster’s collegiate Dictionary.. 1)leadership or rule by an elite class. 2)the selectivity of the elite: esp: snobbery. 3)consciousness of belonging to an elite.

When Senator Obama suggests you should forgive those who don’t know any better… are too ignorant… too entrenched in racism.. too entrenched in their churches… too consumed by their anger…

Or suggests that you have to consider the common good before the needs of the few..

He is appealing to your sense of elitism…

this is the high road.. you are on it with me so we are all on the high road and everyone else is… misguided? stupid? venal? ????

That may be a great way to attract college educated liberals. but it doens’t play as well with those who weren’t lucky enough to catch the superhiway express of economic progress… those who are struggling to survive…

there is a large gap between the homeless we see on street corners and those of us who live in comfortable houses, have good health care and eat well.. and that gap if full of what can only be called middle America.. and they are struggling to survive.

Many people drink coffee instead of latte … and cheap coffee at that… out of necessity.. not preference.

We would all do well to remember that.

The reason the Clintons have always been popular in the black community … and among the working class.. and among the poor… is that they paid attention to the fundamental issues of survival.

This is one lesson i should think all democrats should have learned. Democrats who ignore it don’t do well in the national elections.

this… let them eat cake… attitude is not attractive in democrats at all… and won’t bring us many votes when the chips are down.