this slam dunk myth makes a good talking point.. but it ignores the fact that Hillary is the first ever viable female candidate for nomination…
just what about that was ever supposed to be a slam dunk? I never thoght it was a slam dunk.. and i doubt very much Hilary did either. She is a smart woman. I am sure she thought she had herself as strongly situated as possible to run as a woman.. but slam dun? nope. that’s a myth… or a campaign talking point:)
As for the media… they have only begun to pay attention to Senator Obama and ask questions…
And why he hasn’t closed the deal is a question his own supporters might do well to ask.
He supposedly has the “will of the people” behind him… he has outspent her in the last few primaries at least 3 to 1. He and the press have been calling HIllary’s campaign a losing effort for months. She still gets more negative mentions on Network TV than he does…
and yet.. he can’t quite close the deal.
perhaps it would be good to look at why.
Because the answers to those questions are the least of what he will be facing this fall.
He has won a lot of states.. but winning the democratic primary in those states is not the same as winning the national election in those states.
Impose a red state / blue state map over a map of Clinon / Obama wins and you will find that Hillary carried the states that carry a democratic victory in the national election.
Is his campaign counting on the democratic states where he didn’t win.. and where they have been vilifying his opponent and her supporters to carry America? If so, they might have been wise to court them.. not dismiss them as unimportant.
Is his campaign counting on crossover Republican vote in those states he won in the primary? Because he may have already tapped out those who would crossover in the primaries.. in his attempt to win the nomination.
What can he possible say or do that will overpower those who think with their passions when those passions are inflamed night after night with calls to patriotism and subliminal racist messages?
Especially since he gave the press the soundbites they were looking for to replay continually in those states…
Just like in the primaries.. it’s the delegates that count (to the electoral college) … not the popular vote.
He can win the popular vote in America in November and lose the election.
This campaign aobut the campiagn is all well and good.. as long as the campaign is sweeping the floor with it’s opponent… it creates great momentum..
but when the opponent hangs on against all odds.. it’s time to start asking how that could possibly happen in such a campaign… is it all it’s cracked up to be?
it’s good the press are asking questions that the Obama campaign should have been asking itself all along… and fine tuning it’s message for a broader appeal.
If he is doing that, it’s not working so far.