This little sidebar is ridiculous (not YOU BDG!!!) — I loathe almost everything about the outcome of Clinton’s policies in the 90’s. From Welfare, to NAFTA, to Health Care, to “Don’t ask don’t tell” — he was, let us say, a disappointment. That’s why I want no part of his wife, his cat, his best friend, his secretary of commerce anywhere near policy ever again.
Most of what he did wrong and what I expect his spouse to do wrong was strictly because of cowardice. If he’d thrown me under the bus the way he threw her under the bus at the first smell of healthcare trouble I would have dumped him and made sure he never got elected to anything again. OTOH, he’d have known that and I wouldn’t have seen the underside of that bus carriage.
But he is generous, committed to helping humanity globally — one of the few people who has (had?) the clout to make a difference. One of the saddest things I can imagine is that he may have blown that for the ridiculous food fight that has become his wife’s campaign.
(I imagine if he donated torn socks, it was because someone would pay $5K for them — look what cornflakes in the shape of Jesus go for on ebay.)
I also believe Obama will be equally generous, when, after two terms as president, he is equally popular and wealthy.