Clinton doesn’t have the support of Rush Limbaugh and other right wing talk show hosts and you know that…
Rush Limbaugh and other right wing radio hosts are simply messing with the democratic primary any way they can.
my guess is that if republicans are crossing over.. they are more likely to vote Obama to make sure the hated Hillary isn’t on the ticket… regardless of what the agitators say.
Your remarks are nothing more than pure slander…
charlabob (bob) …
i don’t think anyone wants to see Hillary crowned.. least of all me…
As for entitlement… claiming she feels entitled is just a way to write off all of the work she has done… as though she has not worked hard and earned anything.
She has worked very hard and earned a great deal… but apparently not enough to accord her even the smallest amount of respect.
What i really think is that she deserves some respect and she deserves to stay in the race.
She represents me.. for all of the right reasons… and according to the latest polls… 46% of democrats… that’s a lot of democrats.
since right now Obama is only ahead in those polls by one percentage point… i don’t think my stance is so out of line.