Re: get your Gas Tax Holiday calculator right here!



you know, it is getting really depressing to come here every day.

Ken.. i expected better from you…

Any assertion that Nancy Pelosi might block legislation in the house IF FOR NO OTHER REASON than to block Hillary… is something to be dismissed as “authoritarian follower language from the “Blue Dog” lexicon.executive”.

but your assertion that “Neither Hillary nor McCain exhibit any tendency to restore the executive branch as just one of three co-equal pillars of the republic. I think they both want to try their turn at the helm of the unitary”… is well reasoned comment based on fact?

And the assumption that Senator Obama would be any different than Senator Clinton? What exactly do you find in their records that supports that?

Give me a break.

Nancy Pelosi had made her personal animosity towards Hillary Clinton known long before the primary… so it isn’t such a leap to think that she might be very happy to kill two birds with one stone.

If you and the rest of the Obama supporters can spread biased assumptions as truth about Clinton with impunity.. then i think perhaps you should be a little less eager to jump on any biased comment i might make.

JanS… i know you all want politics as normal to stop… but read a little history… and you will find politics as normal are normal.. no matter how many reformers we have elected. I know your own personal observation of politics confirms that… because we have lived the same administrations.

To expect a group of people who crave power to stop using any advantage they can find to increase their power is naive at best.

I can’t fault you for wishing… but i do fault you for thinking it has to be so… Look at any presidency through history’s filter and even that of the shortened hope of our generation is just more of the same.

We aren’t going to stop the games.

the best we can hope for is someone who will keep us in mind as they play them. And i know you know that.

that is the reason it is so vital to get a democrat back in the White House. At least they acknowledge we exist.


You may think that Obama won this round in the democratic primary.. and i have no comment as to whether Clinton’s strategy to pull in the disenfranchised topped Obama’s strategy to deflect attention from the Reverend Wright. I think that still remains to be seen.

but there is a much larger contest here.. and neither democrat didn’t won that one.

One thing i would like to understand… why do people expect so much more of Clinton just to clear the bar of “making the grade”?

if only she had…… then i could……

that’s something worth pondering.


any contest in which you describe your opponent as not doing as well as she needed to.. isn’t much of a win.

Please stop with the increasingly hostile comments to me.

What would you have me do to satisfy your need that i not question the propaganda coming out of the Obama campaign? Stop supporting Hillary?

it isn’t going to happen unless Obama actually wins the nomination.

And it’s not just me… she still has more of the popular vote than he does… so it seems i am not alone in what you think is this unbecoming obstinacy…

I may be the only voice on this blog consistently putting pinpricks in the Obama balloon… but i am not her only supporter.

Killing my voice might make you comfortable.. but it won’t stop opposition to Senator Obama…

not now.. and certainly not this fall if he gets the chance to enter the real contest.

if you can’t handle a hillary supporter now.. how do you think you are going to fare against the republicans?

they may be few on this blog.. but believe me.. they are here. And the media is full of them. if you get that lucky… you will be hearing things that will make your skin crawl every day…

something to think about before demonizing me more…