Re: get your Gas Tax Holiday calculator right here!



I had a bad night last night and didn’t get much sleep… so i had plenty of time to think.

one of the things i thought about was what had bothered me so much about this thread…

after all.. we were never talking about anything real here. it was and is a political ploy from start to finish…

Pelosi was guaranteed to kill it in the house… if for no other reason than to try to embarass Hillary.

So… McCain led… Hillary countered.. and Obama saw the perfect distraction and countered both…

Who won this gambit?

Not Senator Obama.

Oh, he might have created a distraction that will last long enough to get him the nomination.. but that strategy won’t work again. So far he’s tried the high road and distractions. What is he going to use if he gets the nomination and faces the Republican machine? This won’t just go away…

and worse.. he showed contempt for poor people in using intellectual arguments and accusing them of being capable of being bought by a pittance.

Not Hillary… Obama’s dissent did offer her a talking point in Indiana which she needed and dismissing the needs of poor people gave her a bump in North Carolina… but staying in the game by publicly p…ing off superdelegates may not be so good…

too many of that political crowd have something they want to pay the Clinton’s back for.. and are taking the opportunity.

so this was costly to both democrats in different ways…

I am afraid this one goes to McCain…

Without risking anything he pandered to the heartland.. showed himself a man that cared more for the people than government or big business… he just ratified his maverik reputation… and put a whopping hole in the notion that the democratic party is the party for the little guy.

In their haste to prove the gas tax holiday a bad idea… democratic intellectual America forgot that there is a growing segment of our population for whom the small amounts of money that they were making a joke of… actually matter a great deal. and worse.. they forgot it was just politics.. or knew it was but thought that it would only harm Hillary.

Yup… McCain tricked you all into making a joke of rural and poor people…which by the way includes senior citizens on fixed incomes.

The group of people who will probably be casting the deciding vote in the elections this fall.

Good trick.. but he never could have pulled it off without help…

This is a new playbook… sit back and make democrats look ridiculous as they fall all over themselves to prove their political correctness or their superior intellect… while rapidly alienating their base…

McCain just might be the man to pull this off…

This election was always ours to lose.