lol, HMC, riled up indeed ;)
I’ll stick by my original post and say I have a lot of hope for the future and change. It’s not kicking republicans when they’re down, just SOME republicans who, IMO, did not run a classy campaign. I do believe that the party will be rebuilt – or splintered into two – and perhaps we’ll even see the true John McCain again. I think it is a new time for politics, greatly influenced by the internet and access to information by voters. I hope that it will increase transparency and decrease smear tactics that aren’t based in truth.
FWIW, race did not enter into my vote, but icing on the cake, and it will be a long time before Sarah Palin will be anything but a caricature to me because she is just so wrong on so many levels – and I think there’s more to come. A leopard does not change its spots and she loves her a fur coat ;)
I disagree with you on biased media and ACORN, but please keep posting, I enjoy your take on things. It is by far the most thoughtfully presented conservative view we have here. I heard today (on Morning Joe? was still groggy, sorry) that the top three concerns of evangelicals under 35 are poverty, global warming, and Darfur. Seems like there is plenty of room there to cross the aisle.