Re: Future of the Republican Party



I consider myself a moderate Democrat: give me a good Republican and I may vote for him/her (I don’t see many, but that’s just my opinion.) In fact, I voted Republican in a few of the state races.

I am certainly happy about the Obama victory and very impressed with McCain’s attitude in the concession speech. He reflects something Biden said in his debate with Palin (may not be an exact quote): “I learned my very first week in the Senate to never question my opponents’ motives or patriotism. I may question their methods or judgment, but not their sincere desire to improve this country.” I hope Republicans stick around as another perspective on how to keep this country vital. Either extreme concerns me. Michael Moore scares me almost as much as Rush Limbaugh. :-)

So if you offered me a moderate Republican candidate like Romney or Giuliani, they will get my serious consideration. People who talk unity and live by it should be the future of the Republican Party.