Re: Fundy Christians target Seattle first grade students



JoB, I think most laws are based upon good morals, and in this case the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are. There is no conflict between the law and good morals concerning Child Evangelism Fellowship and Good News Clubs meeting after hours on public school grounds.

JoB==And parents should trust the moral education of their children to a program that promotes these values?

I certainly trust Child Evangelism Fellowship. I love my dear children and want them to learn good citizenship and morality. Part of that is learning the Ten Commandments and Bible stories and becoming good Christians. I want my family to be nurtured in a spiritual environment. I see the after school club as a good way to promote my parenting and wholesome values. It is safe and good for them.

JoB===You think it’s moral to masquerade a class whose sole purpose is religious indoctrination as bible stories to parents who believe their children are protected from that kind of indoctrination in their schools by law.

There is no masquerade… no concealment. I don’t know where you get that from, but the CEF explains its goals and values and activity on the take home permission slip. And the school board and the US Supreme Court approves. I don’t have a problem with that.

Job==Your lack of honesty in refusing to make the curriculum public indicates that you are well aware many parents would not give consent if they understood the content of the instruction.

I resent your calling me dishonest. That is rude and offensive. As a parent I was sincerely explaining why I think Child Evangelism Fellowship and Good News Clubs are a good thing. I suspect you are just prejudiced against their religious views. So what? It’s a free country. We encourage free speech. CEF is not required to list all their meeting notes. It is enough for a parent to read that they are a Christian religious club teaching the Bible and promoting wholesome character. If the club choose to phrase it differently from you, then who are you to impose your speech upon them? They describe themselves well enough for me to approve them, and I do visit their national and local websites. I encourage other parents to check them out and, if they also like what they read, sign the permission form.

Job==Without disclosure..where is your off switch?

In case you did not notice, the permission slip is the ON switch. Parents sign so that their children may join the club. I approve of that policy.


parents who believe their children are protected from that kind of indoctrination in their schools by law.

Just to make the law and the US Constitution clear. There is no prohibition against private citizen’s religious teaching on public school PROPERTY or any government property. The only constitutional limit on religous speech on gov’t property is that the speech cannot be endorsed by the government. That is all. Otherwise parents and children are free to speak without censorship.

Free speech rulz!