Re: Fiscal Cliff – where are the cuts?



wakeflood: hey, dude/dudette, if these debates make you a little queasy, we can get you an easy chair in the corner and you can just watch. you want a fainting chair, too? maybe a hand fan to whisk away the vapors?

just kidding.

look. i think it’s important to dispel with the political talking points. guys like skeeter know that liberals aren’t trying to enact some bolshevik plot when we talk about taxation. we just want a return to a pre-reagan progressive tax code that is weighted toward wealth and is more lenient on the impoverished. it worked through the 50’s and 60’s to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio, and it can work again.

but there are others who casually toss out the word “socialist” and act as if they know the inner workings of liberal democrats’ minds – even though 9 times out of 10 they got their notions from some liar like bill o’reilly. seriously? i was just told about 30 posts ago that democrats are enacting the 10 planks of marxism. in what freaking world is that an honest political debate?

i won’t apologize for trying to dispel those myths, and i do it for the purpose of having honest debates.

and i don’t know if anyone has ever reported any of my posts to the editors here, and frankly, i don’t care. i try to be respectful, but i won’t cow to republican/conservative/libertarian bullies. i call it like i see it… with the full understanding that i do so at the generosity of our hostess.

and sure, i’d like to see some compromise from our elected officials, but i’m a (union) democrat. i don’t think it makes any sense whatsoever for democrats to be expected to govern like republicans, especially after the past 30 years of low taxes and low wages.

what was the original topic?

i believe it was austerity, and the OP asked why we’re not slashing spending to balance the budget – despite the fact that obama has offered over $1.4 trillion in cuts since 2011.

meanwhile, republicans refuse to admit that austerity is going to ruin this country while simultaneously yelling about socialism and ignoring the fact that free market capitalism has utterly failed america during the recent recession.

one thing i will apologize for, though, is my verbosity.
