I am very well aware if endometriosos. Men do live with and amongst women. Vaginas are not the gatekeepers of information and knowledge. It’s not a wisdom organ. Nor do penises preclude women from entering into medical debates… since more women are primary docs now…. fact twas a woman doc who gave me my first prostate palpitation… my male doc was ok with PSA only..she preferred a physical exam as a higher standard of care … should i have dismissed her because she wasn’t hung? I was interested in what she had “hanging” on the wall. BTY the church does allow off label use for endometriosis…there is the doctrine of greater good that prevails…. but it’s not up to you or me to decide that. You and I cannot use the powers of the state to sublimate the the practice of religion. All that other bullshit like chopping off hands, cutting off noses… all covered and protected by…yep… the US Constitution… cruel and unusual punishment. red herrings. Nor is is legal for genital destruction…on women. Male circumcision is allowed… for religious reasons .. you can still bust a nut though…and there are health benefits for a clean knob. Female circumcision has no health benefits. Now at the age of majority.. some women do have the procedure… their choice. Like tats, piercings.. etc. Since 98 of the BC scrips are written for BC…that’s a faith tenet. You don’t get the power to dictate … BTY ….. interestingly… NYC allows live animal sacrifice for Santera rites and the courts have ruled that Bald Eagles may again be hunted in limited numbers for Native American religious purposes (no longer listed as endangered) I am sure it is repulsive to PETA and ASPCA filed a suit and lost…and I am not happy about bald eagles or gray whale harvest..bet we always err in favor of the First Amendment.