Re: Feds Abusing Their Power



‘Xactly! :-)

And IMHO, trickle down working via a robust middle class is actually trickle UP. The only things that ever trickle down are crumbs and “waste”.

And Rich, I’m not sure how you EQUATE two private businessmen who made money, legally, by selling a service or investing intelligently WITH a Gov’t employee who chose to dodge a legal obligation to stop his program and go home (Poindexter). Or with a VP who used his position in gov’t to make his former(yeah, right) business filthy rich by funneling no bid work worth BILLIONS of dollars for a war that was trumped up under false pretenses.

If you think those former two guys are the same as the latter two guys, you’re using a form of logic with which I’m unfamiliar. As JoB says, your prism is showing. Or maybe I should be singing…”which of these things is not like the other?…which of these things just doesn’t belong…?” ;-)