Re: Feds Abusing Their Power


Ms. Sparkles

While my political leanings seem to be the polar opposite of HMC Rich, he is partially correct about the IRS and Obamacare; the IRS isn’t going to “administer” the health care, but is in charge of giving the tax credit for, or assessing the penalties related to, purchasing Health Insurance to comply with the new ACA.

The question is, how do we expect the IRS to handle this new responsibility relating to a brand new law without additional funding for training and staff dedicated to this task? I believe part of the IRS / Tea Party debacle was due to lack of staff and training. Insted of making everyone who applied for 501(c)(3) status wait longer due to increased applications (Because of Citizen’s United) they tried to find a way to streamline the process and failed.

It was an absolute failure, but I think is speaks to systemic problems, maybe even inept executives, but not political partisanship.