Point 1
LOL.. HMC Rich..
where did you get those percentages?
as far as i can tell Obama has done as close to exactly what he said he would do as he could.
point 2
If calling the tea party teabaggers is derogatory.. then they shouldn’t have labeled themselves teabaggers… look it up.. it’s their term.
Point 3
nascar track? LOL.. so what was it during the republican roller coaster ride? center? NOT!
the legislation passed by the democrats only looks left because the past ride was so far right. if you look back you will find republican sponsorship for similar bills:( Not so progressive:(
Point 4
Honey.. you weren’t paying attention to the crowd Sarah whipped up on her campaign tours. The ugly N word wasn’t being uttered by democrats.
Point 5..
Al Franken was elected by convicts and dead people? really? again.. you need to take a closer look at those elections dude.
Polling numbers are down because the economy sucks for everyone but the rich.
Point 6
Consumer confidence is down because the banks are sitting on all that cash we gave them instead of loaning it like they were supposed to.. to small businesses and responsible consumers.
we couldn’t even get a house loan these days without a full 20% down.. and we have a really good credit score and an impeccable credit history… and we won’t talk about small businesses. The small business owners i know have private capitalization or they wouldn’t be in business.
how far are we down that list???? oh yeah
point 7
So the implication is that democrats were rioting at the G20???? Those were anarchists.. and there is a difference.
As for the tendency to violence.. all one has to do is point to the string of bombed abortion clinics and dead doctors to confirm the idea that violence is endemic anyplace there are extremists.
What is true about the tea party is that it is fed on anger… I have listened to that con artist Glen Beck. Not right or left .. right or wrong.. and left is wrong:(
point 8…
first.. and this is easy.. Obama wasn’t trying to get out of Afghanistan. another one of those things he said he would do is increase troop strength there..
Gitmo is taking longer to close than hoped.. and many of those incarcerated don’t want to be sent home… it is a thorny problem at best.
i honestly don’t know if new prisoners have been sent there.. i haven’t read about it if they have … that would be the real indication of need.
you really have to stop throwing those unsupported percentages around.. 30% ??? … only on faux news where truth is just another illusion. if someone says it.. it’s so…
Point 9
Fixed? where on earth did you get that idea? Oh yeah.. faux news:(
the oil well may or may not have been capped.. it may or may not hold… the relief wells that will ensure that have not been drilled.
and that doesn’t even begin to address the oil that is in the gulf.. not in small contained areas.. but dancing in the gulf stream around the gulf coast to the tip of florida and up the western seaboard.
Fixed? they haven’t even begun to fix this mess.
You are right that this election is going to get nasty… but god help us all if we get what you want.
Balancing power between the presidency and Congress is not the answer. This is not the same economic climate that produced the surpluses of the Clinton Administration. Add to this that this country is at war and war is very very expensive.
But i have to hand it to you.. you get the twisted logic award.
Republicans in power nearly bankrupted the nation and all we have to do is put them back in charge of congress to balance things out.
Yeah.. like that will work.
You are in complete denial as to who and what created this mess in the first place.
You gotta get out more. There is a huge difference between fact based arguments and the opportunistic innuendo of common ignorance.
Didn’t your momma teach you that no matter how many times a lie is told.. and no matter how many of your friends believe it.. it is still a lie.
the press may label Obama the most progressive president since FDR or Woodrow Wilson…
but the label doesn’t make it so:(
i only wish it did.
btw.. i purposefully left out the immigration reform thing .. you want to talk about ugly…