The sad truth is that both of these candidates have accepted large sums of money from special interest groups. McGinn from the unions, Murray from Vulcan and others. To characterize one as a “politician” as a result, and not a “leader, @wakeflood, I think is pretty inaccurate.
Given our current system, almost every viable candidate in this town accepts private dollars to run their campaign(s). To me, this makes them ALL politicians. It is true, some lead better than others, but McGinn is just as much beholden to special interests as Murray. All one needs to look at is the Whole Foods project in WS and how he handled it. If you think this isn’t related to who donated to him, think again. Now, maybe that is leadership to you, because maybe you agree on the substance of his argument (non Union labor bad), but still makes him a politician in every definition of the word!