Re: Did you watch the Repub. debate in Fla.?



redblack… I have been a small business owner for over 30 years…paying bills, suppliers, shipping companies, labor, accountants,… I know EXACTLY what he has in mind. I didn’t do it for fun, nor did I do it for you or anyone else. It’s not your money. You are not entitled to it…and it just horrifies most liberals.. that most of America actually admires those that took advantage of opportunity. The don’t want to live with less opportunity…The stock market is a barometer… it shows how much faith investors have. Doesn’t produce a thing..but it does show how much confidence investors have. No one believes the “investment” made in GM was an “investment”. It was payoff time. The end result? It is still sick, it still has an overhead and operating cost structure that is the worst in the auto industry..we switched em over from crack to heroin. JoB EXACTLY the point…the government is so bloated and overextended it can’t float a bond issue… our governments are bad risks…the yields are sooo low because? Because your man and his quantitative easing has so devalued the dollar it isn’t worth squat. Trying to entice businesses to borrow and invest.. never will happen until he is gone,… Obamacare is repealed, and overt wealth redistribution is cast on the trash heap….sit on the cash and out wait him… that is the “new” business model. There will be no jobs until Obama is gone. Even Harry Reid said it… we are going to focus on other things, not his jobs bill… Seattle will be one of the last to get the message though.