I ride past that spot on my bike almost everyday. I am not squeezed into spandex or imagining I am in the Tour de France. I’m just following the signs for the bike path on my way home from work.
I don’t think it’s reasonable for you to expect me to ride in the road and to leave the bike path for parents and kids on trikes and bikes. I think the bike path is for grown-ups too.
I do think it is reasonable for you to expect me to travel at a moderate speed (about the speed of a fast jogger) around pedestrians, to stop for you if you’re crossing the bike path to your car and to let you know when i am coming by honking my horn, ringing a bell or shouting a greeting. I hope that if I shout, “hi there” or “good morning” to a pedestrian who doesn’t see me coming is not considered abuse, because it isn’t meant to be.
I also think it’s reasonable for me to expect that you keep your leashed dog close to you so that you don’t take up so much of the path that I can’t get throughwhile travelling at a moderate rate of speed.