Really, Smitty? You’re positing that we’ll need armed guards in schools until we cure mental illness?? You wanna’ rethink that one? Something like a third of our country is or has taken anti-depressants fer goodness sake.
That’s just one bass-ackwards way of looking at solving the problem.
Gun Culture is exactly what gun manufacturers, the NRA, and supporters of stand-your-ground laws want it to be.
Exactly how many weapons sold/owned and gun deaths per year will it take for you to think we have a gun problem?
And for kicks, you wanna’ stack those data points up against any other modern society? Go ahead. How many gun deaths do we have compared to anybody else. How many guns in private ownership per capita compared to anybody else?
Wanna’ talk about the home of the brave? Talk about Australia who actually had the balls to DO something substantial to address their problem. It’s called taking guns out of the system. And it works. But we’re too in denial and mired in some misplaced hypnotic sense of rugged individualism and fear to do it.