Re: children in public places



redblack –

If you meant ‘breeder’ to be simply a factual comment and I mistakenly imbued it with a negative connotation, I apologize. Was I in error? It seems a provocative word to me but there are a lot of thinly-veiled, self satisfied comments about choosing not to have kids on this thread and I could very easily have taken offense when I shouldn’t have.

That said, I very clearly said that such *comments* are shallow and short-sighted NOT the decision to remain childless itself, which I think is great. Each person does what works best for them: I chose to have kids, I think it’s great, you chose not to, you think that’s great. No harm no foul.

Let me also assure you that seeing the other side of the fence and living it are two completely different things. I’m not trying to convince you to have kids or saying that you would make a different choice at all (in fact, if I told you about my night in great detail, you would probably run screaming – or laughing – all the way to the hills!!). And having kids is definitely not about having carbon copies of yourself … or if that’s someone’s reasoning, the joke will be on them for sure.

I miss a lot of the freedoms my childless friends have, but, as they always say, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.