Re: Biden losses to idiot hillbilly



I agree villagegreen. Politics can be contentious. And you can have contentious arguments and debates without attacking people personally.

I don’t think I’m a mean-spirited liberal, but I do have a lot of anger about politics. Anger that our country has gone in the direction it has over the last 8 years, anger that certain politicians and their supporters display racism, sexism, heterosexism, and classism and then pander to the lowest common denominator with token choices and empty rhetoric, anger that our country is so divided and that there may be little we can do to bridge that divide…

I think a lot of “us liberals” feel similarly and that comes across in our posts. But I see that anger and frustration as coming from a place of deeply held beliefs and a passionate hope for change, not from a mean spirit. I’m sure we are all, liberals and conservatives, much more complex than that.