Re: Any disappointed Mormons out there?



When it comes to Mormons’ relationship to the larger society there are two countervailing tendencies at work.

On the one hand is the separtist tendency. This is what made Mormons load up the wagons and head out west in the first place. They were trying to escape religious persecution, and to do that they had to go off by themselves.

On the other hand is the assimilationist tendency. This is why Mormons can drop major tenets of their theology on a dime; they want to be a part of the “in crowd.” First they dropped polygamy to become the state of Utah. Later, they dropped the Whites-only priesthood rule so they could broaden their base and be taken seriously by the rest of the country.

The separatist tendency has been on the wane for some time now, so don’t go looking for Mormons to secede anytime soon. Sure, they’re disappointed that Romney lost. At the same time, they’re gratified that the election was so close and that, in the end, it didn’t turn into yet another excuse for the rest of America to bash Mormons.

All in all, a good outcome for both sides.
