Re: ALKI CAFE!!!!!!



Hi service girl….funny post. The drama…students, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, sons, daughters. Good stuff.

The problem with your basic premise is that this thread or the OP’s story would somehow be the cause of all these hardworking people losing their livelihood. Your anger, as a server(just guessing by your handle) should be focused on an owner that doesn’t seem to value customer service.

In interpersonal relationships, we should always be concerned with what the other person is dealing with. If this was a matter of two people having a conversation and one treated the other with rudeness, I would hope the person being treated rudely would consider why the person is acting in this manner.

But that is not the case here. This is a place of business where people pay their money for good food and, one would hope, good service. If anyone in the service industry expects a patron to tolerate rudeness and then brush it off by saying they must be dealing with something in their own lives seems a bit naive at best.

Doesn’t the op state that the server, and I posted this earlier, was very accommodating? Maybe the group didn’t leave, as JimmyG suggested they do, because they wanted to make sure that he/she received a tip and wasn’t left with a lot of effort with no return.

I would think that would allude to the group taking care of the students, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, sons, daughters….