First of all, if anyone has any doubts of any part of what the original post said, dont. Everything is fully accurate. I was there.
I have always been under the impression that if you are a business owner, then you WANT customers who will pay for your services. My husband is a restaurant manager, so trust me, you want to have 14 people just walk in. That is NOT an INCONVENIENCE in ANY WAY. $$$$$$$, thats what that is. Loyal customers who tell friends and visit on a regular business, that’s what that is!!
This obviously isnt what the owner of ALKI CAFE wants or thinks he needs. No the original post did not ask anyone to boycott this restaurant, but you know what? I AM.
Unless of course you want to be treated like garbage in your free time. And those of you who are defending this crappy restaurant, go ahead, eat there, you’ll see what we are talking about.
But dont get too comfortable, because they are losing customers every second and we wont stop.
Soon you’ll have to find another crappy restaurant to eat in!!