Re: AIG bonuses



I try, I really try to stay out of these threads after the posts start generalizing politicians to parties. This is the problem with the whole two-party system. You vote on an individual politician or a specific issue, and suddenly you are associated with a bunch of turkeys. Without exception. Because they are–guess what? Politicians. I say we impose term limits on our congress. Who would replace the dinosaurs? People (of either party) who have not lost touch with reality.

But I digress.

Our current mess is the culmination of dumb or greedy decisions by members–both executive and legislative-of both parties over more than a decade. As Jiggers and Lex pointed out, the bonuses were agreed to long before the public woke up. The bonuses should have been limited long ago, along with all the rest of the over-the-top expenditures. But if they were written into the executives’ contracts (and no, I haven’t researched to find that out, so if you know differently, please let us know,) they have every right to demand their contractual benefits. Then, we should fire and prosecute their booties.