Thank you all for the “cat gets home safe” wishes.
Jill, I appreciate you keeping you eye out for him.It helps knowing that people are.
Last tip was in the 42nd and Graham area.My husband walked down there at 3 this morning to see if he could spot him.He thought he saw a big fluffy cat but by the time he got close it was hiding somewhere. We went there several times yesterday.
Homedk, those are great tips. We have done all that and more and continue to call and look.There were some workers next door last Thursday , they had a pickup truck and were back the next day so we spoke to them also and they had not seen him.We did find out that some renters moved out from the little house in the alley but not sure if they left Thurs.I hope they did not decide to take him with them.
Today there is a Pet Detective on TV [channel 5] at 3 so I will watch that to see if there is anything left to do besides wait and hope for his safe return.
Auggie just went **poof**. We think now that he was probably taken by someone, it seems to be the only logical answer. He is a gorgeous cat.But darn it, he is MY cat…not theirs.Why do people take other peoples pets when there are so many homeless pets out there needing homes? [please,do not tell me all the horrible things that happen to them..I am blocking all that from my thoughts for now]