Re: A New Year is coming



II sometimes stay in my apartment, no tv, just quiet, while reading a good book. Its like I need to step away from everyone, even best friends for a shirt while. Being in our 70’s (that’s my close buddies) we all have our little times when we need “space”. Sometimes feelings can easily be hurt. We all learn after a while what’s good or bad times. But we still enjoy each others company and support when necessary.

I have not had to give in to the arthritis pain in my feet as yet and lean on pain pills or shots, so far. Already know that my next move would be shots into certain areas of feet.

I know my pain isn’t to the extent that JOB has to deal with, thank goodness. I still love to walk only shorter distance and time. More than 3 hours and I suffer at night or next day.

Being in a building of senior citizens , we all have to learn when to avoid certain people at times and mostly offer “hello” and walk on.

Ive always used walking, whether fast or slow, as a good stress reliever. I’ve always preferred outdoors so can enjoy all the natural beauty around us. I try to live and enjoy my life as it is.