Re: A New Year is coming




while i will agree that a little snark goes a long way.. i think that for some snark is the first step towards engagement… and engagement is a good thing.

i think of the many evenings that i sign on here and am simply too exhausted to engage …

there are a lot of paths to that mind numbing fatigue.


since you are now at maybe once a year..

perhaps monthly massages would be an achievable goal

any massage therapists out there you would like to give a fellow massage therapist some much needed TLC ?


each year i try to find one aspect of my life that i would like to improve… and work on it a little at a time..

it’s worked for almost everything except getting well and losing weight :)


i know.. i know.. I am going to save the exercise/health/you could be thin/well if only you applied yourself some time…

if i just gave up all treats like chocolate and the cocacola i use to keep moving and moved more i would lose weight… maybe

that could work.

It didn’t the last few times i gave up cocacola..

and it didn’t the last few times i was too sick to consume anything resembling sugar…

but it might

oddly enough..

the only time i have lost more than 10 pounds .. and kept it off for any length of time..

was when i moved here. I lived on cocacola and chocolate for nearly 3 weeks while i sold the house, packed and moved…

i kept the weight off till i crashed.

When i finally got up again.. it was back.

i am not sure now how i would move more without the cocacola…

i tend to nap A LOT when i give it up…

and i don’t have the stamina to venture far from home :(

but still.. i am working on that one again…

when i last substituted green tea capsules backed by excedrin for cocacola my doc asked me how much i was enjoying that .. needless to say i wasn’t.. but i was able to give up cocacola and limit the naps …

my goal this year is less naps AND less cocacola…

Chocolate is my only real sin.

I don’t drink.. don’t eat pastry very often.. generally skip desert.. try not to grab fast food on the run …

and i eat my 7 servings of fruit and veggies.. in their whole raw form at least 5 out of 7 days a week…

See… I really should be skinny .. just maybe not as skinny as i was for the first half of my life :)

chocolate is what i use to treat myself for pushing through the pain and fatigue

to do that one (ok.. several) extra thing(s) i thought i couldn’t manage.

Blame me if you will..

but i am not giving it up.

and oh how i wish i could move more…

right now my aerobic program is dancing to one of those musical stuffed animals with a rock and roll christmas message.

I got feisty one day last week and 2 30sec sessions in a row nearly undid me for the week…

my Christmas..

From now on, I am going to conquer my world one song at time …

i promised hubby who thinks watching my workout is a hoot..

in the meantime.. i am holding the line at what i consider an unacceptable compromise

but where my body returns every time i lose enough to count :(

my doc says we will worry if my metabolism flips and i start losing weight…

that could indicate too many nasty new problems to count.


i know. i know. TMI

spoils your one size fits all delusions ;-(