Re: 20-cent bag fee will not take effect Jan 1



“Neither one of you are defending a position.. you are defending an argument.. and a poorly thought out one at that.” – JoB

Jeez, JoB, you seem to be getting better and better at putting people down.

So, if someone disagrees with your opinions, they are uninformed, lack experience, naive, taken by biased research, etc.. I truly believe that you have come up with every single excuse for WHY a person doesn’t agree with you.

Have you ever considered that maybe there are, simply, 2 (if not more) sides to an argument? People who feel differently than you do have intelligence, value and strong points to offer.

I, for one, am interested in everyone’s opinion and would never discredit someone’s personal thoughts for the sole reason that it didn’t match mine.

What if this were turned around and it was a Republican idea that was going to be passed into law? Would you be so confident that our elected officials should make that decision without the opportunity of a vote?