Reply To: Realtor recommendation: Scott Monroe and Molly Kemper



We had been looking for our house for nearly one year and had worked with a couple of realtors in the past. We truly had no idea what we were missing until we started working with Scott any Molly. Here are a few reasons why we wouldn’t recommend working with anyone other than these two superstars…

1) Connections
Every time we found a house we liked, Scott and Molly already had some connection to it. They had previously sold it, worked with a previous buyer, were friends with the selling realtor, and in one case it turned out that Scott had previously built a house which we fell in love with, but which wasn’t for sale! They gave us the context of most houses before we had even seen them, with candid, honest advice, which save us time and steered our decisions.

2) Reputation
I cannot emphasize this enough… even if you have a better offer than the competition, 50% of winning the offer comes down to working with a realtor who is highly regarded by the selling realtor. After all, it’s the selling realtor who will be advocating to the seller for the best offer to accept. EVERY single realtor (and in one case property seller) already knew of Scott and Molly and their reputation. Other realtors WANT to work with them. That puts you in a great start position, even before you put an offer in.

3) Real estate industry knowledge
Scott’s instincts about the industry and the moves sellers will make are spot on. He confidently makes predictions about outcomes of various situations, and he’s pretty much right all of the time. We learned to trust his gut feel and we are so thankful that we did. Molly is an analytical wizard, able to price houses with up to the minute estimates, even in a market which was unpredictable and accelerating quickly between Jan and May 2021. They will both make you feel confidence about making a data backed decision.

4) Construction industry knowledge
Scott grew up building houses and will talk to you for house about construction if you let him. This is a huge asset when doing viewings with Scott, as his construction knowledge, combined with an upfront and honest opinion, means that you walk away knowing the facts about the quality of the house you are looking to buy.

5) Care…after care in fact!
A few days after moved in to our new place, we had some questions about some work we were thinking of getting done to the basement in our new place. I mentioned it to Scott, without hesitation he came over, spent nearly an hour with us digging in to some walls, giving us some opinions and recommending a great contractor who would be available to do some work with us. Scott and Molly have sold more houses this year than many other realtors, however they always make you feel like they have time for you and that you are their only client. I have no idea how they do it!

I could go one. We recommend Scott and Molly to all of our friends who even hint at selling or buying real estate. We recommend them both highly to anyone reading this post.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need more info.

Contacted the guys this year. They chose some good options for me to invest in real estate. Professional realtors, I recommend them!

  • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by KrisDotw.