West Seattle Timebank’s March 2024 gathering

March 21, 2024 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Alki Arts
6030 California SW
West Seattle

Let’s Have Some Fun!

The West Seattle Timebank‘s March 21st Gathering with be held at the Alki Arts Gallery in West Seattle’s Morgan Junction.

We’ll meet Artist Garrison Coverdale.

Time: 6:30 PM-8:00 PM

Site: Alki Arts Gallery – 6030 California Ave SW

Light refreshments and beverages will be served.

Looking forward to seeing you there. Bring a friend or relative! Membership not required to attend.

Artist bio here:


I was an Art student at Washington State University when I got hooked on ceramics.
We used a fairly traditional approach to RAKU including a traditional clay body and a very
inefficient wood-burning kiln that took hours to reach the relatively low temperature for RAKU ware.
Over the years my technique has evolved considerably. Now, my hand-built and wheel thrown work is fired in an electric kiln. I use a clay body that is more porcelain-like instead of the traditional highly grogged RAKU clay. This gives my work a purity of color and a smoothness that I desire. I have formulated a “crackle” glaze similar to Paul Soldner’s well-known recipe, that I use on the body of my pieces. The bright colors that I use as accent are low-fire commercial glazes. Because of the more fragile clay body, my work will not withstand the thermal shock of a traditional RAKU firing. I must take great care during the post-fire and each piece is placed individually in a metal container with the combustible of choice–almost exclusively newspaper.
Recently, I have “Put Paint to Pottery”. Rather than glazed, my bisque-fired spheres are
painted with acrylic paint then waxed, giving me a 360 degree “canvas”.
Master of Fine Arts/Ceramics
BA Fine Arts/ “With Distinction”

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