Panel of open-water swimming women

March 21, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
1420 5th Ave

We wanted you to know about a FREE panel of amazing women open-water swimmers on March 21st … many of them swim weekly at Alki Beach … We will also feature a Triple Crown winner, one of the very few swimmers in the world to complete three historically important swims: The English Channel, (33.7 km) the Manhattan Island Marathon Swim, (48.5 km) and the Catalina Channel Swim (32.5 K).

Some questions the panel will address: -How do you decide which swims to take on? -What was your training schedule for the long swim? Is there an ideal amount of practice that should go into doing a 5k, a 10k, or longer? -How do you balance training with life? -How do you deal with fear in the open water? -What do you eat on long swims? Go to the bathroom? -How do you overcome negative thinking? -How do you recover?

When: Thursday, March 21st, 6:00-8:00 pm
Where: Price Waterhouse Cooper Café, 1420 5th Ave, Seattle
Featuring: • Stephanie Zimmerman (transitioned from swimming 1 mile to 10k in one year) • Heidi Skyrzypek (completed a relay across the English Channel) • Rose Filer (completed the 10.4 mile Amy Hiland Swim: Bremerton to the Alki Lighthouse)

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