2743 California Ave SW #101
Seattle, WA 98116
From West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor):
We have Get Fit West Seattle launching soon:
Get Fit Kick off August 17th Saturday at 8 am:
Come out for one mile to kick off your training for the Seattle Half Marathon! We will start with one mile and it is fine to run, run/walk or walk! This program is designed for BEGINNERS!! We look forward to coaching you through training with group runs on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings. We designed this as a Couch-to-Half Marathon program, so no experience as a runner is necessary. We will be providing clinics along the way to teach you all you need to know. This is a free program and we encourage you to share with your family and friends and neighbors!Did you know?
1) Runners are at lower risk for developing cataracts
2) Running improves performance on cognitive tasks, including memory and visuospatial functioning, executive functioning, attention and reaction times
3) Running enhances creativity
4) Running reduces risk for Alzheimer’s, stroke and cardiovascular disease by: slowing/stopping the typical age-related loss in brain tissue and preserving brain structures like your frontal lobe and hippocampus (this in part has to do with blood flow improvements, but also increasing connectivity in key areas and lowering inflammation
5) Running can provide short and long-term healing for anxiety and depression (think improving neurotransmitter functioning, strengthening brain structures and a sense of self-efficacy, just to scrape the surface)Get Fit Information Nights at West Seattle Runner: Wed Aug 7th and Aug 14th at 7pm (you only need to attend one)
Come and learn about our Get Fit West Seattle program! We can answer any questions during the info night and we will share the program details with you.
We will start with one mile to kick off your training for the Seattle Half Marathon! This program is designed for BEGINNERS!! We look forward to coaching you through training with group runs on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings. We designed this as a Couch-to-Half Marathon program, so no experience as a runner is necessary. We will be providing clinics along the way to teach you all you need to know. This is a free program and we encourage you to share with your family and friends and neighbors!Send any questions to : lori@westseattlerunner.com