West Seattle businesses 3258 results

West Seattle biznote: ‘Gail Ann has left the building’

A storefront in Fauntleroy has been vacated – but its former longtime occupant has NOT gone out of business. Here’s the announcement we received from photographer Gail Ann:

You may have noticed that after a decade “Gail Ann has left the building.”

Gail Ann opened her photography studio some 11 years ago after noticing a for rent sign in the brown brick building known as the Fauntleroy Shopping Center just up from the Fauntleroy Ferry dock. Locals could always find entertainment value in her window displays featuring local families. Many of you have been photographed by her at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival where she has volunteered her services since its inception or seen her at local auction events capturing candids for posterity.

Says Gail Ann “The studio may be closed but I’m open for business! I’ll be on a short hiatus traveling through Poland. I’ll be back to work in June and look forward to working with all of you again.”

Gail Ann can still be reached at 206-371-0585 or by visiting her blog.

Update: Easy Street Records’ famous neon-lined awning comes down

(UPDATED 1:48 AM with removal of the rest of the awning)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

It’s been battered over the years, but not broken. Now, though, Easy Street Records‘ famous neon-decorated awning is coming down.

Half gone already, as of a little while ago, when we took these photos, and the demolition crew is still on the job.

It was more than half a century old, according to Easy Street proprietor Matt Vaughan, and it’s a wonder it lasted this long: Almost three years ago, a truck hit a tree, which in turn took out part of the neon. At the time, Vaughan commented via Twitter that the neon had only just been fixed from the last time it was affected by truck trouble. (We’re not sure if that was the 2008 incident on which we also reported.) But overall, we were told at the store this afternoon, the awning was just flat old and rusty.

Beloved just the same – news of the awning’s imminent removal caused an uproar on Facebook this afternoon – as of this writing, 133 comments on Easy Street’s page, and more than 45 comments on the WSB Facebook page, where we had shared the ESR update.

Some concerned commenters asked if the awning could get protection from the city’s historic-preservation authorities. Short answer – Not without the building having landmark status. When the city inventoried local properties several years back, it offered the opinion that the Hamm Building – the 1926 home to Easy Street and other businesses – might merit that protection. To our knowledge, that hasn’t been sought. City records even show a demolition/development proposal dating back to 2007, though it doesn’t appear to have advanced from the early stages.

As for what if anything will replace the awning, ESR isn’t sure yet, they told us when we first inquired this afternoon. But one thing’s for sure – many West Seattleites, most of whom probably haven’t even heard of its in-progress removal, will miss it – as the understory of the sign that stands over the awning so often offering messages reflecting the community mood, even simple holiday greetings like the one in our November 2009 photo:

We’ll follow up to see what happens from here.

1:48 AM UPDATE: Thanks to Dennis for sending photos of the California SW-side removal:

And that side of the building, awningless:

The famous marquee remains:

ADDED TUESDAY: Thanks to WSB’er Datamuse for pointing out in comments that Easy Street’s website has this expanded statement on the awning situation.

Happening now: West Seattle Thriftway’s 1st benefit barbecue of the season

May 4, 2013 1:28 pm
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Benefit-barbecue season is off and sizzling at West Seattle Thriftway (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor) – we caught Michele at the grill between burger batches this afternoon; the barbecues are a Thriftway tradition, benefiting local nonprofits, and today the proceeds are going to West Seattle Helpline. You have until 4 or so to stop by for yours, if you haven’t been there already!

Happening now: Jewelry debut at Click! Design That Fits

May 4, 2013 1:10 pm
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Getting engaged? Married? Or, just looking for new jewelry art to wear? Award-winning designer Karen Konzuk has you covered, and until 5 pm today, you can meet her, as we did, at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, where her engagement and wedding rings are debuting, with her line of concrete jewelry. (Click! is at 4540 California SW.)

From the ‘in case you wondered’ file: ATM in Thriftway lot

Thanks to Cathie for asking about “heavy equipment” in the northwest corner of the West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) parking lot, then reporting a chat with construction workers yielded the news a freestanding ATM was on the way. We subsequently checked the city permit files, which reveal that it’s going to be a Bank of America ATM.

Nomination time for West Seattle Chamber’s annual awards

May 2, 2013 12:40 pm
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Who would you like to see win one of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s annual Westside Awards when they are presented June 6th? The nomination period is now open, and you can participate via this simple online form (even if you’re not a WSCofC member). Read on for more information about the awards and the breakfast at which recipients will be honored:

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County Executive visits Small Business Awards winner Easy Street Records to kick off next competition

Last October, we stopped by Easy Street Records in The Junction to talk with proprietor Matt Vaughan about ESR being honored as King County Executive’s Small Business of the Year. This afternoon, he hosted County Executive Dow Constantine in the Easy Street café for the announcement that it’s time for the next round of nominations:

You can nominate a business with 50 or fewer employees that’s been in business, in King County, for at least three years. For the news release announcing that it’s nomination time (with a link to send in yours), click ahead:

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West Side Music Academy: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!

Today we welcome West Side Music Academy as one of the newest WSB sponsors. Here’s what WSMA would like you to know:
West Side Music Academy has been a part of the West Seattle community since 1998, beginning with owners Chris and Cami MacDonald, teaching lessons from their home on SW Dakota Street. Today WSMA boasts a great line-up of vibrant teachers offering a wide variety of lessons as well as group classes. All of our teachers are experienced musicians who are actively performing, recording and/or guiding budding musicians, each with their own unique way of drawing out the creative juices. West Side Music prides itself on providing a positive musical experience. Lessons are custom tailored to fit each student’s learning style. Students and instructors work together to create musical goals and implement a plan to reach and even surpass those goals, instilling confidence, patience, and a passion for the creative process.

WSMA accepts students of almost any age, child or adult (no baby classes as of yet). Many students join us at a very young age and stay on through elementary, middle and high school. Adult students are welcome as from-scratch beginners or to pick up where they left off.


Our summer classes include: ROCK BAND (various levels), GIRL BAND (various levels), RHYTHM GROUP, JAZZ ENSEMBLE, PRE-SCHOOL MUSIC (3-4 yr olds).

Our staff includes: Katie Voss (piano), Matt Benham (guitar), Aaron Jenkins (woodwinds), Birch Pereira (bass,piano, guitar), Nouela Johnston (piano), Heidi Fivash (piano), Coreena Brown (voice), Chara Hokama (violin), Cami MacDonald (piano), Cameron Sharif (piano), Eric Junge (piano), Scott Morning (trumpet), and additional staff for summer classes. Stephanie Hargrave is our trusty office manager. She will help you find just the right teacher to fit your style.

Also in our building at 4214 SW Dakota is Great Start Preschool! Both West Side Music Academy206-937-2343 – and Great Start Preschool – 206-779-5299 – encourage you to give us a call and set up an appointment for a free introductory lesson! We look forward to meeting you.

We thank West Side Music Academy for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

Happening now: Happy 4th birthday, Feedback Lounge!

(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
As we’ve been mentioning in our daily calendar-highlight roundups, Feedback Lounge (6451 California SW; WSB sponsor) is spreading its 4th-anniversary celebration over four nights – but tonight’s the actual anniversary; April 25, 2009, is when The Feedback opened the doors for, as the slogan atop its website goes, “people who like their cocktails to rock, their food to rock, and their rock to rock.” GM Bradi Jones is at center with the cake she created; other original Feedback team members in the photo include co-proprietor Jeff Gilbert at right; his co-conspirator Matt Johnson didn’t make it into the shot, too busy at the bar! The Feedback’s home page details what’s up the next two nights as the party continues – including the reunion tomorrow of the Memphis Radio Kings! (As for what will be in store when the Feedback turns five NEXT year, Jeff says it’s something unimaginably huge. You heard it here first.)

Happening now: Shop The Junction during Tax-Free Day

More than 40 of your friendly neighborhood Junction merchants have smiles and deals for you today – the West Seattle Junction Association‘s annual 10-percent-off “Tax-Free Day.” For example – in the mood for flowers, or indoor-garden items? Go see proprietor Sam and assistant Devon at Fleurt (4536 California SW; WSB sponsor). As mentioned here on Friday, Fleurt is celebrating Earth Day this weekend too; bring in a planter or vase to recycle and you’ll get a mini-plant in exchange. Across the street, we stopped by Jan’s Beauty Supply:

Alissa, Sheri, and Melanie are there to help you have a beautiful Tax-Free Day – Jan’s merchandise includes jewelry and other items beyond their many lines of personal-care products. Head for The Junction, look for red balloons outside participants’ storefronts (they’re listed here too), and have fun while supporting your local independent businesses (including some food/drink establishments with deals, too).

Celebrate ‘Tax-Free’ Day, Earth Day, Record Store Day in The Junction tomorrow

April 19, 2013 4:59 pm
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BIG day on Saturday in The Junction:

TAX-FREE DAY: It’s an April tradition – big day of discounts, with participating businesses pledging 10 percent off, to, in effect, pick up the tax bill. The updated list of participants is here – note that along with 10%-off retailers, the list includes food and drink establishments that are offering special deals.

EARTH DAY: Both tomorrow and Sunday, Fleurt (WSB sponsor) is celebrating Earth Day (weekend) by giving you a free mini-plant if you recycle a vase or planter.

RECORD STORE DAY: Always a big day at Easy Street Records, but even bigger this year because their original West Seattle store is now their one and only. Lots of special features during the day – here’s the update they just e-mailed.

See the spree: Cheer for West Seattle Thriftway’s winning shopper

April 18, 2013 9:40 am
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As part of its 25th-anniversary celebration, West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) gave away a shopping spree – and you’re invited to watch it happen this Saturday morning. Rob Dent gets four minutes at 10 am Saturday (April 20) to fill a cart (maybe more) with up to $500 in Western Family merchandise, and then it’ll be followed up by a ceremony with the West Seattle Food Bank receiving a check for the proceeds of the benefit raffle in which he won the spree – $2,200 donated by WS Thriftway customers. Go root for Rob *and* the Food Bank!

Emerald City Smoothie: New West Seattle Blog sponsor, with a coupon for you!

April 17, 2013 3:29 pm
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(8/14 note: To check whether a business is still a current WSB sponsor, please go here)

Today, we’re welcoming Emerald City Smoothie, located inside West Seattle Athletic Club, as a new WSB sponsor. Here’s what they would like you to know about their business:

(WSB photo: Team member Ariaan at Emerald City Smoothie – West Seattle)
Emerald City Smoothie encourages healthy lifestyles by having a tasty blend of fruits, supplements, and protein in hand. Have particular allergies or diet restrictions? Are you diabetic, vegan, or have an ultimate fitness goal to reach? Emerald City Smoothie offers something for various diverse individuals. We would love the opportunity to meet and serve you!

Our love for Emerald City Smoothie bloomed more than 8 years ago, as we ourselves were repeat customers. We became owners of our first Emerald City Smoothie over a year ago in Covington and not too long after, we fell in love with the West Seattle community and took ownership of our second store inside the West Seattle Athletic Club facility.

As a new customer, you will experience an incredibly friendly, warm, and welcoming experience, with staff eager to help with immediate attention. Repeat customers love the enthusiastic energy that fills the atmosphere, and the personable customer service is worth the visit, not to mention the delicious and healthy smoothies you came for in the first place! Our smoothies are “none compared” to anything else, they’re simply “the best to replace a meal, change up to improve ‘poor’ eating habits, a substitution to coffee in the morning.” Whatever your desire is for coming in, we have something for you!

Emerald City Smoothie is inside the WS Athletic Club at 2629 SW Andover (you do NOT have to be a member to go in!); you can find their hours, menu, and other information online here – and a $1-off coupon on the WSB Coupons page.

We thank Emerald City Smoothie for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

Sign goes up for West Seattle Vision in Morgan Junction

Thanks to longtime WSB’er “k” for photographing the sign installation at West Seattle Vision, taking over much of the former Windermere Fauntleroy space (closed after WF merged offices with Windermere in The Junction) in the 6500 block of California SW. We’d been working on a story but since the sign’s up – here’s what we know so far: It will be a group practice of optometrists, part of the Northwest Eye Care Network. Their opening date isn’t firmed up yet, but we’re told they’re getting close. Their Facebook page includes sneak peeks at the remodeling they have been doing inside the building. We first mentioned an eye clinic was on the way in this March 15 story about the new tenant for the rest of the space – Pet Elements, moving from its original location a block south.

West Seattle businesses: Sweetie Boutique to close

9:09 AM: Just announced on Facebook and via e-mail, the Junction clothing boutique Sweetie is closing at the end of this month. The announcement:

After ten wonderful years in West Seattle, Sweetie will be closing its doors at the end of April. Thank you so much for your passion, your spirit, your kind support.

I love being part of the West Seattle community, with all of my heart, and I adore the time spent with each and every one of you. It’s been an honor and a pleasure dressing you all. You are my Sweeties, and I will miss you very much.

Wishing you the very best this amazing world has to offer.


PS – Stay tuned for special events in April…!

ADDED 2:42 PM: We stopped by Sweetie to follow up with Joeanna, who’s in our photo above. She says she’s closing because of a combination of factors – her lease was up, and she has a five-year-old she would love to spend more time with.

‘Tax-Free Day’ sales return to The Junction on April 20th

April 9, 2013 8:59 am
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(John Smersh from WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits with balloons on 2012 “Tax-Free Day”)
It’s become an annual post-tax-day tradition – one big day of “Tax-Free” sales in The Junction. The official announcement this morning notes that more than 40 businesses will participate in this year’s event on Saturday, April 20th, and as always, you’ll know which ones by looking for red balloons outside participating businesses. You can always plan ahead by checking the list here – note that some food/beverage establishments are offering specials, too. (Of course it’s not really “tax-free” – just means the merchants are covering the ~10 percent you would otherwise pay in sales taxes – but that’s a notable discount.)

Happening now: West Seattle Runner’s 3rd anniversary sale, and WS 5K registration party

(Photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Happy 3rd anniversary to Lori and Tim McConnell and their business West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), celebrating with a sale through tomorrow! (That’s Hombre the greyhound with them in our photo.) When we first reported on their plan in February 2010, it was the most-commented-on new-business report ever – with WSB’ers enthusing that the area really needed this kind of shop, not just for the retail, but also for a coalescing point for the running community. Their milestones along the way have even included co-launching a brand-new event, the Float Dodger 5K preceding the West Seattle Grand Parade; the second annual FD5K is in the works for July 20th. Speaking of 5K’s, if you make it to West Seattle Runner before 4 pm today, it’s one last chance at an earlybird-discount signup for the West Seattle 5K, which is coming up May 19th:

(WS5K race director Jeff Mensing at left with WSHS PTSA president Tracy Burrows and Jim Donovan)
The WS5K is a benefit for the West Seattle High School PTSA, and will kick off a doubleheader of Alki events again this year, with Seattle Summer Streets following the run/walk. (WSB has been a proud sponsor every year since it launched in 2009.) If you can’t get to WS Runner before 4, you’ve got plenty of time to sign up online, at the regular rate

West Seattle Autoworks: AAA-approved; also in ‘Don’t Drip & Drive’

Two notes tonight from West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor) – co-owner Todd Ainsworth says, “We are happy to announce that we have received our AAA approval here at the shop. It was a process that took months to complete, but it’s official now” – and that’s why the logo is now on the sign (photo at right). Todd also says WSAW is “participating in a new campaign sponsored by the State Department of Ecology and ASA called ‘Don’t Drip and Drive’ – aimed at educating consumers about the problems that can be caused by fluids leaking from vehicles. Runoff from the streets go directly into storm drains and, in turn, into the streams and creeks that feed Puget Sound.” Watch for a promotional campaign this month by the state, in which, Todd says, “participating shops such as ours will provide the customer with a free leak inspection. If leaks are found, the customer will be entitled to a coupon for 10% off (up to $50) toward the leak repairs.” You can find out more at fixcarleaks.org and pugetsoundstartshere.org.

Free tryout day Monday as new co-working space West Seattle Office Junction officially opens

Back in November, we reported on West Seattle Office Junction – local entrepreneurs Christine Bartels and Stefan Hansmire (above) working to find a space on the peninsula to set up a co-working enterprise, someplace that at-home/telecommuting, or otherwise office-less, workers could use, not just as a working space, but as a place to collaborate with and enjoy the workday company of others.

The Junction space they were close to leasing at the time didn’t work out – but after an extensive search, they have locked down a brand-new multi-level unit just south of the Junction, and tomorrow (Monday, April 1st) is opening day. It’s a space with a view:

We photographed Stefan, Christine, and the view from West Seattle Office Junction’s rooftop deck during an open house they had last Thursday night for those who have been participating in co-working meetups and other events while the quest for a permanent location has been under way.

For opening day tomorrow, you are invited to drop in – for a few minutes, or even a few hours – free, to give the space a try. It’s a free day for everyone. West Seattle Office Junction is at 5230 California SW, unit B (map). See many more photos in their gallery here – the WSOJ website also includes information on amenities, membership levels, and rates here, chronicles of meetups and other events along the path to WSOJ becoming reality, and more.

West Seattle Fight & Fitness: Welcome, new WSB sponsor

We’re welcoming new sponsor West Seattle Fight & Fitness, which has a special offer for you and is planning an open house this Saturday. Here’s what they would like you to know:

At West Seattle Fight and Fitness, we not only teach martial arts, we teach movement. We strive to connect the sense of effort and enjoyment, providing an environment that is physically demanding yet playful in nature. We operate out of a 4900-square-foot warehouse converted into a martial-arts and fitness facility, conveniently located on Delridge, with more than 1700 square feet of mat space. Needless to say, there is plenty of room to climb, jump, lift, roll, kick, punch, and most importantly, MOVE.

West Seattle Fight and Fitness offers classes in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (BJJ), also known as the “gentle art,” daily. It is a beautiful martial art that advocates self-defense and self-awareness. It uses leverage and efficiency of movement (minimal effort, maximum benefit) as the primary way of applying techniques, allowing every man, woman, and child the opportunity to excel. We also offer Tae Kwon Do (TKD), a relaxing martial art whose beauty is displayed through forms and powerful kicks. In our youth program, we immerse the children in 3 different skills: striking, takedowns, and the “ground” game. We believe that children need a variety of experiences that will lead to a solid development of fundamental motor skills and set the cornerstone for creating a future black belt. We create strong and hard-working kids who enjoy every second of our classes and also have the confidence to stand up for themselves and others.

All of our programs are great ways to stay in shape and push your body to new heights. We believe in community and teamwork, which is why we are proud members of the Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu Association. Not sure if the martial arts are for you? Let us show you! We offer a 30-day free trial to give you the time you need to see the various benefits of what we do. Come see how West Seattle Fight & Fitness can change your life today!

Find West Seattle Fight and Fitness at 5050 Delridge Way, online at westseattleff.com, and on Facebook here. They’re having an open house this Saturday (March 30th), 11 am-3 pm.

We thank West Seattle Fight & Fitness for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle biznote: Yes, that’ll be a Sherwin-Williams store

It’s come up multiple times in the past few days – from the WSB Forums to a question via text message just now – so we’re mentioning this in case you wondered too: There’s finally somewhat-official confirmation that the building going up behind the Delridge Arco station will be a Sherwin-Williams Paint store. When we published a quick item about the construction work two months ago, a few readers said that’s what they had heard, but the company’s PR people didn’t answer our query, and at the time, there was no evidence online. Now (in the form of a sign permit), there is.

Allstar Fitness bankruptcy: Hearing tomorrow; new court filings – and a warning

(UPDATED THURSDAY EVENING with new comments from prospective club buyer Sam Adams, and another “response” document – both updates added at end of story)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Continuing our coverage of Allstar Fitness‘s Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, there are new developments as the proposed sale of the club’s assets goes before a federal judge downtown tomorrow morning:

More than 50 responses and/or objections to the sale motion have been filed, according to our most recent check of the online docket. We haven’t read all of them yet; most appear to be from individuals, with one exception: GRE 509 Olive LLC.

Its objection involves both the sale and the purchase. You can read it in its entirety here; while we’ve been working on this story, a response has been filed as well – a response saying that if the sale is not approved, the bankruptcy will go to Chapter 7 and the club will close, and had already been on the brink of closing in January.

First, excerpts from the objection:

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Allstar Fitness bankruptcy: Sale/’rejected contracts’ hearing Friday; member response deadline Wednesday

Continuing our followups on the Chapter 11 bankruptcy and impending sale of West Seattle’s Allstar Fitness: This Friday is the day a federal judge will consider approving the proposed sale of the club to health-club entrepreneur and former Seahawks player Sam Adams. As first reported here on March 9, court documents say that Adams does not want to assume “long-term contracts” from before last August’s bankruptcy filing. He denied that in a conversation with WSB the next day (here’s our March 10th report), saying he expected to honor “99 percent” of them, but so far, the court filings have not changed. This Wednesday, March 20th, is the deadline for interested parties to file responses with the court. As of this morning, the online file includes only a handful of responses to the sale motion, and one response to a separate motion that is scheduled to be heard April 5th – a request that the judge give permission for court proceedings NOT to result in further mass notices.

One WSB’er suggested that in case members missed the mail notification and/or still don’t know whether they are on the list of contracts proposed as “rejected” contracts, we upload the publicly available court documents here. Here’s the one with the “prepaid contracts to be rejected” list – 17 pages holding more than 2,000 names. If you want to file a response to be considered before this Friday morning’s hearing on the sale motion – which includes the “rejected contracts” list – this court document originally included in our March 9th report explains how to do so by the Wednesday deadline.