West Seattle Grand Parade 210 results

Countdown continues: Reason #3 to love The Parade

July 20, 2006 9:12 pm
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A team of local real-estate agents has brought him along in their parade car for a few years now, and they’re all scheduled to show up again this Saturday. We weren’t here back when he was a TV fixture, but in order for us (or anyone else) to even remotely pretend to be semi-natives, it’s vital that you know who J.P. is, AND cheer him wildly any time you happen onto one of his public appearances. (As for my REAL childhood TV memories, I’m partial to Checkers & Pogo …)

Countdown continues: Reason #4 to love The Parade


In the day-plus since I posted Reason #5, I’ve been provided with the top-secret scoop on who’s in Saturday’s big annual parade down Cali Ave. So I can tell you, the motorcycle representation includes not only the incredible daredevils from Vancouver, B.C. (making their ONLY stop in this area), and their more-reserved rivals from our fair city, but also the “Apple Dumpling Gang Motorcycle Club” and the Nile Mini Bike Unit. And on one wheel, without motors, with incredible coordination, it’ll be the Pathfinder Unicycle Team (ready to pop wheelies … or something … over the “No Boren” victory).

Tomorrow: Reason #3!

Countdown: Reason #5 to love The Parade

July 18, 2006 8:28 am
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 |   West Seattle Grand Parade | WS culture/arts

I have no inside info on who’s confirmed for this Saturday’s parade, but online calendars confirm two regulars: the spectacular All-City Marching Band and the lively Rainbow City Band. One of the local Christian churches usually has a combo on a truck playing some sort of gospel-rock. Bagpipers have turned up most years. Tomorrow: Reason #4!