West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Post-festival season begins


In the unlikely event you’ve never seen “Finding Nemo,” there’s the trailer; it’s the next West Seattle Movies on the Wall presentation, and one of the co-sponsors, Dream Dinners (also a WSB sponsor), will be offering pulled-pork barbecue sliders … free! (Be sure to bring a West Seattle Food Bank donation, money for fundraising concessions and raffle, too.) Meantime, tonight’s highlights include the next outdoor concert at The Mount (WSB sponsor) and the 34th District Democrats‘ annual Garden Party fundraiser, then tomorrow (besides the aforementioned movie) two tribute bands team up at the Poggie in honor of the 13th anniversary of Jerry Garcia‘s passing, Sunday’s got the Highland Park Improvement Club rummage sale and the season’s first Seal Sitters training … more than three dozen events ahead:

This week’s WSWL sponsored by




ALL WEEKEND: Movies (and more) at the Admiral Theater

ALL WEEKEND: West Seattle history on display @ Log House Museum at Alki, Thursdays-Sundays, noon-4 pm

SWIMMING THIS WEEKEND: Southwest Pool is closed all summer for renovations, but Colman Pool is open daily – schedule here

WADING POOLS OPEN FRIDAY: All West Seattle wading-pool sites; Delridge, Hiawatha, Highland Park, Hughes, Lincoln Park

FRIDAY & SATURDAY: “Circles in Square Holes” art exhibit @ ArtsWest, noon-7 pm both days

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: West Seattle Rotary berry sale pickup – blueberries (more info at the Rotary website)

FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Join your community in surveying and celebrating food in Delridge! As part of the King County Food and Fitness Initiative, teams of adults and youth will visit local grocery stores to investigate the quality and prices of our food. Then, we will gather at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center for a free barbeque and musical performances! This is a great opportunity for Delridge residents of all ages, particularly families, invested in the neighborhood to know more about the availability and cost of food. We will meet at Youngstown at 3 PM-transportation to your assignment and to the celebration is provided. To participate in this event or for any questions, e-mail Hollis Wong-Wear at hollisw@dnda.org.

FRIDAY NIGHT: Summer Concerts at The Mount series continues, Maia Santell performing, admission free, all ages welcome, dinner available for purchase, beer/wine available to 21+, doors open with dinner and beer/wine on sale starting at 5 pm, music starts at 6 pm , at Providence Mount St. Vincent (WSB sponsor; latest info here)

FRIDAY NIGHT: Chief Sealth High School Class of 1973 35-year reunion at West Seattle Golf Course, all grads from the ’60s and ’70s welcome too. Reunion is free, buy your own beverages and food. Get together starts at 5, “music of the era” till 10:30 pm. More info here.

FRIDAY NIGHT: 34th District Democrats’ annual Garden Party and Auction at West Seattle Nursery, with catered Cajun dinner, starts at 6 pm (more info here)

FRIDAY NIGHT: Salon 08 grand opening (north side of Genesee just east of California SW), 7 pm

FRIDAY NIGHT: “Crazy for You” presented by Twelfth Night Productions at West Seattle High School Theater, 7:30 pm

FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark with Electric Children, La Cha-Cha, M. Bison, starts at 9 pm

FRIDAY NIGHT: Easy Street After Hours, live music with Grynch, 9:30 pm

FRIDAY NIGHT: Live comedy @ Admiral Theater featuring “The Heirs of Lenny Bruce” with Jim Short, 10 pm

FRIDAY NIGHT: Live reggae at Redline

WADING POOLS OPEN SATURDAY: Three in West Seattle are open Saturdays – Delridge, Hiawatha, Lincoln Park

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: Tours at Alki Lighthouse, 1-4 pm

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: Catapalooza, with West Seattle-based Furry Faces Foundation participating, Seattle Humane Society HQ in Bellevue (13212 SE Eastgate Way), 10 am-5 pm

SATURDAY: “Water and Spirit” fundraising bike ride, organized by St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, benefiting Family Promise, go here to find out more about signing up and being part of it, ends with barbecue on Alki

SATURDAY MORNING: Wii gaming for adults at the Delridge Library branch, 10:30 am (more info here)

SATURDAY MIDDAY: Master Gardener clinics at McLendon’s in White Center, 10 am-2 pm Saturdays (more info here

SATURDAY MIDDAY: Delridge Natural Area Work Party presented by Green Seattle Partnership: Come help us remove invasive plants and then put down a layer of mulch! Corner of Delridge/Graham, 10 am-2 pm (contact Mike, m_a1533@yahoo.com)

SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Duwamish Greenbelt work party with the Nature Consortium, meet at 14th SW/SW Holly, 10 am-2 pm (more info here)

SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music @ C & P Coffee with Kevin Davis, 6-8 pm

SATURDAY NIGHT OUTDOOR MOVIE RAINED OUT, POSTPONED TILL AUGUST 21ST: Fourth Sidewalk Cinema “Movies on the Wall” presentation in the courtyard next to Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) — movie is Finding Nemo (PG), sponsored by the four dentists, co-sponsored by Dream Dinners (WSB sponsor), West Seattle Christian Preschool & Pagliacci Pizza, bring a nonperishable food donation for the West Seattle Food Bank, which is also the beneficiary of concessions presented by West Seattle Christian Church (WSB sponsor); bring $ for raffle items to benefit a local nonprofit, Dream Dinners promises free pulled-pork barbecue sliders for movie attendees!

SATURDAY NIGHT: “Crazy for You” presented by Twelfth Night Productions at West Seattle High School Theater, 7:30 pm

SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark with Boxwood Vessel and Johnson County, starts at 9 pm

SATURDAY NIGHT: Tribute bands at Poggie Tavern in honor of Jerry Garcia’s birthday: Kuli Loach at 9 pm (Grateful Dead tribute), One Way Out at 11:30 pm (Allman Brothers tribute)

SATURDAY NIGHT: Live comedy @ Admiral Theater featuring “The Heirs of Lenny Bruce” with Jim Short, 10 pm

SATURDAY NIGHT: The Fabulous Johnsons at Redline

WADING POOLS OPEN SUNDAY: Three in West Seattle: Hiawatha and Lincoln Park and Delridge

SUNDAY MIDDAY: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm

SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Highland Park Improvement Club Giant Group Rummage Sale, HPIC parking lot at 12th/Holden (indoors if rainy), 10 am-3 pm (with a barbecue at 1 pm)

SUNDAY MORNING: Open bowling at West Seattle Bowl (WSB sponsor) for the LGBTQ community and friends, every Sunday beginning at 10:30 am

SUNDAY MIDDAY: Master Gardener clinics at West Seattle Farmers’ Market, 10 am-2 pm Sundays (more info here)

SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Walker Rock Garden expected to be open, noon- 5 pm (we suggest calling before you go, 935-3036; see pix here!)

SUNDAY AFTERNOON: “Crazy for You” presented by Twelfth Night Productions at West Seattle High School Theater, 3 pm

SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Seal Sitters volunteer training session, Hiawatha Community Center, 3-5 pm (read more here)

SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Live music at C & P Coffee with Gretchen Witt, 3-5 pm

SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music @ Skylark with Quite Corine, The Whole Bolivian Army, Bekker, starts at 7 pm

Are we missing anything? Let us know! And between weekends, keep an eye on our continuously updated Events page.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Post-festival season begins"

  • Katie August 9, 2008 (2:09 pm)

    What time does the movie usually start? We are thinking of taking our little guy, so I’m wondering how late it will be.

  • WSB August 9, 2008 (6:12 pm)

    Didn’t see this sooner, sorry.
    The movie has just been rained out – rescheduled for Thursday 8/21. By then it will probably be an 8:30-ish start, maybe even 8:15 as the nights get shorter.

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