More Halloween vandalism

Angela e-mailed WSB to ask if what happened to her happened to anyone else:

I don’t have photos yet, but someone sprayed our neighborhood on 59th between Alki Ave and Admiral with graffiti. Our garage was hit Halloween night, and now there’s a giant silver crown on the garage door. The same crown was painted across the street at the playground as well.

I’m curious to know if anyone else “got tagged” Halloween night?

I just moved here a month ago thinking this was a great area to live in, and I still feel that way, despite the murder that took place at the end of our street and recent vandalism.

16 Replies to "More Halloween vandalism"

  • dq November 2, 2007 (1:17 pm)

    unfortunately, i noticed a house’s front door with graffiti on it this morning.
    the house is on 61st near Alki.
    i’m going to keep believing that this IS a great area to live in and that whatever is happening right now is a fluke.

  • Adam on Alki November 2, 2007 (1:59 pm)

    Ahhh! I want to go home and check my house now! I came in late last night and didn’t look around. Maybe I got hit too!

    /lives on 59th and Lander
    //big WALK THE LINE banner on porch
    ///stop by sometime, unless you vandalize!!

  • R November 2, 2007 (2:21 pm)

    We were not tagged – but someone did steal our glass lantern and throw it into the street to break it.

    I still think it’s a good place to live – but Halloween is just one of those times that people think it’s OK to be a jerk.

  • Megan November 2, 2007 (2:35 pm)

    Tagging can be linked to gang or want-a-be gang behavior. This link shows common tags / symbols that gangs use.
    Latin Kings common one tag is a crown. They include a certain amount of points.

  • LGS November 2, 2007 (2:38 pm)

    Always paint it out ASAP – don’t give graffiti vandals the satisfaction of having more than a few people see it.

    Before painting the graffiti out:

    a) Photograph it

    b) When graffiti appears on your property, call the police and ask to file a report over the phone on the non-emergency line, 206-625-5011. This will be helpful in case of potential prosecution. If the graffiti is on property other than your own, report it to the Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Graffiti and Illegal Dumping Hotline, at 206-684-7587, or online at: If you see an act of graffiti vandalism in progress, call 911.

    c) If you see a particular tag appearing all over the neighborhood, talk to your SW Precinct Community Police Team officer. Call 615-1976 or 233-5067 (weekdays) to get in contact with the CPT officer for your area. Providing photos and specific details will help officers track the prolific taggers.

    d) If you suspect youth are responsible, provide photos/copies of the graffiti to administration at nearby middle and high schools. School employees are familiar with the favorite symbols kids use over and over on their papers, books and other personal items. In the past, some kids doing lots of graffiti have been caught this way.

    e) Consider using protective sprays and films on vulnerable surfaces in the future. Films are made for window glass, sprays and coatings for painted, masonry and other surfaces. Anti-Graffiti protectants can make it more difficult for graffiti to adhere to a surface and easier and/or less costly to remove graffiti.

  • flowerpetal November 2, 2007 (2:42 pm)

    Thanks Megan! The Seattle police are quite well versed in reading gang grafitti. It would be interesting to see SPD have a similar page.

  • Jerry Whiting November 2, 2007 (3:30 pm)

    The City of Seattle has a page for grafitti. The Seattle Police have a grafitti page too. (I think both of the links are the ones you want.)

  • flowerpetal November 2, 2007 (4:02 pm)

    Thanks Jerry for pointing these out. What’s cool about the SanAntonio PD webpage is the samples of grafitti used by different gangs. The SA page also has helpful information for parents who may be clueless about gang activity and recruitment.

  • bbilly November 2, 2007 (4:52 pm)

    we did the silly thing of leaving out a bowl of candy with a note, because the baby was sleeping and we didn’t want to wake her. half expected some kids to take too much candy, but c’mon…at least leave the bowl.

  • Patrick November 2, 2007 (5:20 pm)

    Our Fence was tagged on Halloween night as well on Thistle and 25th across from Chief Sealth High School

  • Jeff November 2, 2007 (5:28 pm)

    For what it’s worth, I noticed the crown on the park wall on the day of 31st, so that one didn’t happen on Halloween night. The Walk The Line banner was also firmly in place :). The San Antonio police site reads like they drew their information from hollywood movies, and is overly broad and alarmist (be on the lookout for people wearing Converse all-stars, by the way). I think in the past the SPD had a policy of not publicizing the tags themselves, since what the taggers seek is publicity.

  • Anonymous November 2, 2007 (11:06 pm)

    I’ve contacted the city via the internet links above to have them remove the tag “C2D” several times from public property with no luck. They always respond with a courteous email and then don’t follow up with removal of the tags. I’m considering some simple color matching paint to get rid of the tags myself.

    “C2D” is also what was tagged on the side of the California post office and on the glass at Azuma. By doing a little internet searching I’ve discovered that it means “Create to Destroy or Devastate” and I found a few interesting links on MySpace. These guys show themselves and their graffitti…and live in west seattle.

    It looks like two men termed “Hypno and Enok” are the C2D leaders in our area.

    Enok’s MySpace:

    Hypno’s Myspace:

    This gang styled video shows “WestSide Acupuncture” on California at 1:45 into the video, as part of their territory tour.

    I wish we could catch these idiots with cans in hand.

  • Jan November 2, 2007 (11:47 pm)

    anonymous..thanks for the links. What strikes me about these guys is the fact that they aren’t teenagers. I think a lot of people think taggers are younger…these guys are around 27 years old…same age as my daughter. One guy says that he’s an “artist”..give me a break. Maybe some see it as art…but I’m sure most don’t…not when it defaces public property. I wonder if he has thought about applying his art to canvas…a positive expression of what he’s feeling.It also says that he’s the “ceo” of emerald roots entertainment…according to the website”more coming soon”.

    So these guys are proud of what they do…well, bless them…someone has to be proud of their fine work, I guess. It wouldn’t be hard to find these guys…just wouldn’t find them in the act. There’s the rub…

  • Angela November 3, 2007 (1:48 am)

    Thanks for all the tips and advice — and good to get people talking about this. I really do think this is a great neighborhood and am glad I chose it out of others in Seattle.
    bbilly, were you the house on 59th that left a washtub of candy with a note out on the porch?

  • D.B. Panic! November 3, 2007 (6:40 am)

    C2D sounds like a knockoff wannabe of FSU and other useless crews of toughs. Bet you anything these guys threw the LA Kings up just for sh*ts and giggles.
    Dont paint out the spray, just take a can and throw a line right down the center of the tag, like your crossing it out.
    Simple and fun!

  • GenHillOne November 3, 2007 (8:41 am)

    Thanks Anon – boy what pathetic losers. I looked at the sites and vandalism aside, their “work” isn’t even good! Wannabes at best. I’m all for supporting this genre on legal spaces (have seen some pretty great murals done), but this is crap. Legends in their own minds I guess – and 27? Give me a break. I’m hoping someone here recognizes their photos that they so proudly provided.

Sorry, comment time is over.