Morgan Junction Community Festival, report #2

The West Seattle Teeter Tots (with kids born in – or “around” – 2007) are among the dozens of groups and businesses we’ve spent the day with here at the Morgan Junction Community Festival. Still an hour left before everybody packs up from the park and the booth area behind Zeeks/Feedback, where it’s been a perfect day – brilliant sunshine but not too hot, lots of people but not too crowded. Also here – the Lazy Locavores – edible-garden consultants (also known as the Shibaguyz) — that’s Shannon in the background:

We’ll be adding a few more pics and some video to one last report here; this is the first time in about two years that the Morgan Community Association has presented this festival, and it’s been a smash hit – particularly the “Bite of Morgan” food sampling, with 400 coupon books handed out (the entire stock) by midway through the festival – and the slate of local musicians, spanning a wide variety of genres, assembled by MoCA’s Chas Redmond. Here’s video of Soul Machinery:

(next clip added 7:54 pm) And here, a minute of The Slags:

(next clip added 8:30 pm) Last but not least, the cover band 4 outta 5, with the disco classic “I Will Survive”:

Special thanks to everybody who dropped by the WSB table to say hi – those we’d met before, those we knew only through e-mail, and those we hadn’t met yet either way but have been out there in WSB-land … thank YOU for being part of WSB. (Including MargL, who sent us this pic from Engine 37’s visit to the festival — Engine 29 was here earlier too – and apologies if we’re omitting any other fire teams who visited, but they were over by the park area and we’ve spent most of the day in the booth area.)

If we didn’t see you today, we’ll see you at the Westwood Village street festival in two weeks, and West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction July 10-11-12.

11 Replies to "Morgan Junction Community Festival, report #2"

  • miws June 13, 2009 (6:30 pm)

    What a great day!


    It was nice seeing TR & Patrick again, and meeting Chas! Bubbleman and all the bands were great too!


    As much as I wanted to, I didn’t take advantage of the “Bite”. I have to watch certain things in my diet, (not that I always stick with it 100% ;) ) but decided to leave the coupons for those that could enjoy tastes from all of the participating restaurants.


    Thanks to all the sponsors, and all that participated in this event!



  • Bonnie June 13, 2009 (8:44 pm)

    Wish I could have made it instead of running errands all day. Would have been nice to see some of the Moms from the Teeter Tots.

  • JH June 13, 2009 (11:17 pm)

    Looked like fun-though I think I’m glad I missed The Slags.

  • Iggy June 14, 2009 (8:51 am)

    Really enjoyed “The Bite.” Zeeks and Abbondanza have wonderful pizza. Also enjoyed the stuffed grape leaves at Kokorus. Will definitely stop by for a Gyro for lunch soon. Also glad they had local groups such as Furry Friends Foundation, The Kenney, etc. Good to learn what’s happening in West Seattle and the Morgan neighborhood. Music was great, and there was a real festival atmosphere in the street. Finally got to meet Tracy and Patrick in real life. They are as nice in person as they are on the blog. Keep up the good work.

  • Furry Faces June 14, 2009 (12:09 pm)

    Thanks to Morgan Junction and esp. Cindi Barker for such a fun, well organized event. We had a great time meeting new people and saying hi to those that we know. And…we are going to help a couple different people get 5 pets spayed/neutered, plus help place 3 ‘unexpected’ kitten. Very successful.

    And a big thanks to WSB for publicize that Pet Elements and The Wash Dog hosted King County Animal Care And Control a cat and dog adoption event…we will provide the adoption results late.

  • swimcat June 15, 2009 (10:01 am)

    Ymmm, I was happy to support the WS Tots bakesale- they had great treats!

  • F16CrewChief June 15, 2009 (6:52 pm)

    I’m not trying to be sour here. But are there any plans to build a skateboard park for the kids here in West Seattle? Or fixing the baseball and soccer fields? It seem’s like we’re building a lot of parks for bar patrons to air out after drinking too many. I’m born and raised in West Seattle and this place is getting more and more family unfriendly. How about the kids folks?

  • WSB June 15, 2009 (6:58 pm)

    Yes, we have extensively covered the Delridge Skatepark, which is on track to start construction before too long (with its final design meeting next week) – links here in our most recent blurb:
    WRT the fields, Delridge Playfield is in line for millions in new turf. Hiawatha Playfield work is about to start – TR

  • F16CrewChief June 15, 2009 (10:23 pm)


    Excuse me as I pull my foot outta my mouth!

    Thank you for the direct link to the post here. And now that I see you’re covering my concerns, I honestly would like to thank you guy’s for your work here.

    My apologies!

  • WSB June 15, 2009 (10:31 pm)

    No problem, we tend to publish so much stuff each day/night that we know few people have the time or inclination to read EVERYTHING … and also, there are new people finding the site all the time. I’m actually glad for once to be able to say to someone with concerns, hey, guess what, they ARE being addressed! – TR

  • F16CrewChief June 15, 2009 (11:24 pm)


    I periodically check out your guy’s blog here. So unfortunately I miss a lot of the postings. Of course I could’ve done a little research of my own before I spouted off at the finger tips in my first comment on this post. Or just been a little more active in our community here.

    I truly appreciate your guy’s dedication to West Seattle. Like I wrote earlier, I’m born, raised and still live here in West Seattle. I absolutely love it here!

    I’m not going to lie. I was a bit frustrated when I saw the Morgan Street Park. My children play soccer for WSSC and many of our home games were at Alki Elementary. The field there is horrible. I do know there is a plan for that field. But when we go to our away games in places like Sea-Tac and Federal Way, we get to see these nice level and well maintained fields. Many of us parents became very envious of their parks and wondered why we’re not seeing much done for our West Seattle parks. I understand politics, red-tape and funding play a huge role in my desires. But when I saw the Morgan Street Park go up, all I could think of is, “How’s that really benefit the kids?” I couldn’t help but wonder if that money could of just been used for the existing parks already here in West Seattle. Being that there are plans for the parks as you’ve pointed out, I feel better.

    Knowing that folks like yourselves here at WSB are keeping tabs on our community and addressing my concerns is a real blessing. I feel, NO, I know I need to be more involved and you guy’s are helping all of us readers do that.

    Thank you!

Sorry, comment time is over.