Video: Fire training continues at “Ivar’s House”

(video of “test burn” added 2:20 pm)

(photos changed/added 11:55 am)
Northbound 59th is blocked to traffic as the Seattle Fire Department continues training burns at a house south of Admiral Way that once belonged to Ivar Haglund. Here’s our story from yesterday with more background. More later.

11:55 AM: So far this morning, the crews have done two “burns” inside the house – in both cases, igniting hay and pallets, then extinguishing it, and using a large fan to clear the smoke from the house. Several fire engines and a ladder truck are there too, as is a large group of red-shirted firefighter trainees – they are simulating house-fire conditions as best they can, according to an informal briefing one veteran firefighter gave spectators across the street. The house itself will not be torched, he confirmed. He also said they can only have one fire going inside at a time, for safety reasons; then it’s extinguished, the hose is rolled out, and they start the setup again. Here are the photos shared by historian Paul Dorpat (who left an extensive comment on our story yesterday – first, a 2003 photo of the home; second, the tax-survey photo from the ’30s:

4 Replies to "Video: Fire training continues at "Ivar's House""

  • Christopher Bell April 28, 2009 (6:52 pm)

    How do you get one of those B/W photos from the 1930’s? My house was built in 1918… I’d love to get a copy.

  • WSB April 28, 2009 (7:21 pm)

    That reminded me, Paul Dorpat included some extensive info in the note with which he sent me that photo, following up on his comment after yesterday’s report. Here’s an excerpt which includes more Ivar history as well as the info you asked about. I have to run off to a story but will clean it up a little upon return:
    >>Anyway for your purposes this shows the tax photo as they come (with the writing) and gives you the legal information too. The missing part far right reads “L 7″ – so it was lot 7 of block 3 of Haglund’s 2nd addition. His first addition was just down the hill a ways. Of course, go ahead and use these. The historical photo ultimately comes from the feds Works Progress Administration (WPA), and these WPA survey records are now in the hands of the Washington State Archives, Bellevue Branch on the Bellevue Community College Campus. That’s the place where people – your readers – can get prints of their own homes or anyone else’s if they have either a tax number or a legal description like this one written on the print/negative. The phone number – for your readers – to call is 425 634 2719. Archivist Greg Lange will ordinarily answer the phone, except on Fridays. The price for a reproduction (or scan) is quite reasonable – under $20, I am pretty sure. By the way I believe that the decorative stone work on the front is the work of an artist named Ted Abrams who was a friend of Ivar’s and Maggies in the 1930s. He lived in a house across Horton (to the north) that he built on land that Ivar gave to him. He was older than both of them and died in the early 1940s. By every description of those who knew him he was brilliant, a great cook, and story teller. He also knew, sang and played on the guitar many folk songs from the Appalachians and the south, and was an inspiration for Ivar and his efforts to do the same. At that time especially, Ivar was famous among those who knew for the clarity and timbre of his lyric tenor voice. It was then that Mark Tobey admonished him to be a musician and never open a restaurant. During World War One Ted Jacobs worked as a buyer for Frederick and Nelson’s in Japan. In the early 30s he had his own restaurant on Capitol Hill (or possibly First Hill) called The Mauve. It was filled with his own antiques. He did the cooking and entertained the guests. When his lease was yanked he was rescued by Ivar and Maggie.
    (You will need to read ‘Keep Clam” when I finish it.)<< . (TR note, that's the Ivar bio that Paul Dorpat is now writing)

  • Babs April 28, 2009 (7:34 pm)

    I’m curious if there are any pics of the inside of that house from its heyday. It does have some charm – even now – curious why its being taken down for something else…

  • WSB April 28, 2009 (8:33 pm)

    According to several of the folks I was watching with this morning, and the firefighter who came over and shared some info, it is horrifically rundown inside. As for interior photos – will check around. Someone sent me some pix that I haven’t even had a chance to check out yet, but not sure if they are in or out, will be looking soon – TR

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