Hope Lutheran Academic Fair

April 28, 2015 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Hope Lutheran School
4456 42nd Avenue Southwest
Seattle, WA 98116

You are invited to attend the Hope Lutheran Academic Fair on April 28th at 6:30 pm. For those families who have not attended an art museum or gallery opening, this is a great opportunity to get your feet wet and view some amazing pieces of art created by our students!

This year’s theme is art, and through our Artist In Residency program sponsored by the PTH (Parents and Teachers of Hope) and headed by Hope Preschool Director and experienced potter, Marie Tornow, along with parent Nicole Pepper who has earned a BFA in ceramics, organized and prepared this program to introduce students to the art of pottery and teach the necessary skills used in working with clay. Over a period of several months, preschool through grade 5 classes participated in creating projects based on the creation story.

Each class had a different project and will have their pieces on display as well as an information board detailing the inspiration and process of the project. This evening families should imagine themselves walking into a museum and quietly admiring the work done by each classroom.

Not to be outdone, the middle school students will also have art work displayed throughout the upstairs hallway and in their classrooms that they have worked on throughout the year. Some are math based, science based and some just for fun.

For the first time ever, on May 14th from 6-9 pm the ceramic pieces will be on display for one evening only during the West Seattle Art Walk in the Hope Lutheran Commons area. How exciting for our students to have their first art show!

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