Also provided by SPD Public Affairs:
In addition, Sean Blackwell with The Seattle CARE Department, the team who dispatches first responders to incidents, has provided the following dispatch timeline for the incident and the response. You’ll see when the first calls were taken by dispatchers, followed by when SFD and SPD were dispatched by CARE to respond.
1636 hours:
1 uninvolved passerby initiated original call and described a vehicle hitting parked vehicles and being involved in a “cluster.”
The call was initially entered as a Priority One (Immediate/High Priority) Hit and Run collision event (specifically, MVC/1).1636 hours:
2 different uninvolved passersby called to report disturbances between 2 females who were in one vehicle and 1 female who was in a separate vehicle.
The respective reports described the disturbance as road rage, including accounts of the fighting having stopped and respective vehicles having driven off. Neither of these 2 callers reported seeing weapons nor injuries.1637 hours:
1 involved party calls in, stating their involvement a road rage incident during which the involved party’s sister was pulled out of their vehicle by a subject(s) and collisions with other vehicles occurred.
The involved party advised the 9-1-1 call taker that her sister declined medics, that no weapons were seen, and that the subject(s) left in a vehicle.
Per CARE Priority Codes Policy, the call was converted to a Priority 2 (Urgent) when the involved party informed the 9-1-1 call taker that her sister declined medics, that no weapons were seen, and that the subject(s) left in a vehicle.1812 hours:
The involved party called 9-1-1 a second time.
The involved party requested medics, indicating her sister does not feel well.
SFD screened and advised they were responding.1824 hours:
SFD called, advised they could not locate the victim.
1852 hours
SFD called, requested SPD respond.
SFD located the victim and transported them to Harborview Medical Center (HMC).1926 hours:
SPD patrol officers were dispatched enroute.
2001 hours:
SPD patrol arrived by this time.
2014 hours:
SPD officer advised 9-1-1 dispatch they are enroute to HMC to contact the victim.
The call is cleared CY/430. The 430 disposition is classified as a collision type of incident.