WEST SEATTLE ART: Mural proposed for waterfront park wall, with ‘the whole neighborhood involved’

(WSB photo)

By Aspen Anderson
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

An often-tagged wall on the West Seattle waterfront may be painted with a nearly 200-foot-long mural.

West Seattle resident David Stockert is leading an effort to transform the wall along the north shore of Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook Park on Beach Drive into a community mural, working with local artist Nalisha Estrellas.

Stockert believes a mural could deter vandalism, reducing the need for repeated cleanups by Seattle Parks and Recreation. “I walk my dog along there every day,” Stockert said. “It’s such a beautiful little pocket park, and then I look at that wall that gets tagged — it’s pretty ugly … But murals seem to get left alone.”

(Rough concept by artist Nalisha Estrellas)

Estrellas, known for her murals across the city, plans to involve the community in the project through a paint-by-numbers approach. She has already created a rough concept (image above) for the mural, featuring a nautical theme with orcas and Puget Sound, as showcased on project flyers. Estrellas also plans to incorporate additional wildlife into the final design.

“Let’s get the whole neighborhood involved – everyone can have some ownership over it,” Estrellas said. “They can feel more connected to it, and that way we are actually elevating the community.”

Estrellas works with Urban Artworks, a nonprofit that engages youth, artists and communities in creating public art.

“A lot of those individuals who do graffiti just don’t have an outlet,” Estrellas said. “If they have any interest in working with Urban Artworks … it’s the perfect thing because obviously they are creative, obviously they have something to say … Urban Artworks brings people who are interested in painting and in art to an organization that can give them that outlet.”

The proposed mural would span 189 feet along the concrete wall overlooking Puget Sound. Stockert has submitted the proposal to Seattle Parks and Recreation and expects a decision later this month. If approved, painting is slated to begin in early May.

To fund the project, Stockert launched a GoFundMe campaign with a goal of $10,000 to cover materials and Estrellas’ fees, and is about a quarter of the way there.

“It’s been fun to get to know neighbors and work on a project people are excited about,” Stockert said. “It makes me feel really good.”

(WSB photo)

If you are interested in participating in the painting process, you can reach out to Stockert via email at dstockert@theideamachine.biz for more information.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE ART: Mural proposed for waterfront park wall, with 'the whole neighborhood involved'"

  • David Srockert January 23, 2025 (5:15 pm)

    Very nice work Aspen. You did your research and got all the facts right. I appreciate your article and hope it helps me to my goal.Dave

  • SLJ January 23, 2025 (6:27 pm)

    This looks amazing, what a great idea!

  • Amanda January 23, 2025 (10:32 pm)


  • Suzanne January 24, 2025 (12:04 am)

    Happily donated! What a great location for this beautiful mural. This is one of my favorite walking routes and the graffiti along that wall has been a constant issue for at least 20 years. Every time it was painted over, new graffiti would appear within a day. 

    Thank you David for stepping up with this terrific solution, to Nalisha for agreeing to create one of your beautiful murals there for a discounted price, and to all who donate to (hopefully!) make this a reality.

    I’m so looking forward to this becoming a reality. 

  • Lauren January 24, 2025 (7:05 am)

    Donated! What a great idea 

  • Lisa January 24, 2025 (8:51 am)

    Happily donated

  • Born Here January 24, 2025 (12:36 pm)

    Does seem like a great idea but I wonder how well it would hold up.  Prep would be important and even then with the weather and/or salt spray it would have a rough life.

  • Mark Kashman January 24, 2025 (1:46 pm)

    Peanut is ready to paint by numbers, David! 🎨🐶

  • WS Guy January 24, 2025 (4:13 pm)

    It’s beautiful.  

  • Lezlie January 24, 2025 (4:40 pm)

    Wonderful project! Donation made :o)

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