This event presented by West Seattle schools’ PTAs/PTSAs has been in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar a while, but we heard more about it from an attendee at tonight’s Morgan Community Association meeting:
At first glance, that might sound like another stern lecture – “get your kid off their phone” – but Megan from the Gatewood Elementary PTA explained there’s more of a peninsula-wide movement going on, not just focused on reducing screen time, but also talking about “playborhoods” for kids – encouraging getting them out to play as was more common a couple generations ago. First step, though, come to the 6:30 pm discussion on Tuesday, January 28th at Gatewood (4320 SW Myrtle) – it’s free, and you can RSVP here. (Megan promises it will be “amazing.”) Child care will be available – and by the way, they’re also looking for volunteers to help with that – to volunteer and/or ask questions.
(As for the rest of the Morgan meeting, we’ll have the full report tomorrow.)