Want to create a ‘playborhood’? Get kids off their phones? 2 weeks until event for West Seattle parents

This event presented by West Seattle schools’ PTAs/PTSAs has been in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar a while, but we heard more about it from an attendee at tonight’s Morgan Community Association meeting:

At first glance, that might sound like another stern lecture – “get your kid off their phone” – but Megan from the Gatewood Elementary PTA explained there’s more of a peninsula-wide movement going on, not just focused on reducing screen time, but also talking about “playborhoods” for kids – encouraging getting them out to play as was more common a couple generations ago. First step, though, come to the 6:30 pm discussion on Tuesday, January 28th at Gatewood (4320 SW Myrtle) – it’s free, and you can RSVP here. (Megan promises it will be “amazing.”) Child care will be available – and by the way, they’re also looking for volunteers to help with that – gatewood.pta.advocacy@gmail.com to volunteer and/or ask questions.

(As for the rest of the Morgan meeting, we’ll have the full report tomorrow.)

2 Replies to "Want to create a 'playborhood'? Get kids off their phones? 2 weeks until event for West Seattle parents"

  • Grilled Cheese January 16, 2025 (6:45 am)

    Interesting. I think about this all the time. I am almost 50 and remember playing in the streets as a kid and riding my bike all over the small city I lived in. There were no cell phones or Internet in those days. As a kid you had to venture out on your own and discover. Not in today’s world of social media, Internet and video games. But that’s also the parents fault too. In my family we restrict our kids to a only a couple hours of phone and game time a day. They have to venture out and play. It’s hard to do in such a fast paced city to let your kids wonder off and play.. People drive like crazy as bullets fly across the streets. I think this idea is a good start and would like to get involved.

  • LJJ January 16, 2025 (7:57 am)

    This is a great idea. You could schedule group meet-ups at park playgrounds. (Additionally, not buying elementary school aged kids smartphones is also a good idea.)

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