Here’s our list for your West Seattle Monday

January 13, 2025 9:54 am
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(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

here’s what’s happening for the rest of today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

A CLEANER ALKI: The local volunteer cleanup group is out until 11:30 am :

We’ve been helping Jeremy with a cleanup along the Duwamish Trail and look to do another section this week, this time we’ll start down under the First Avenue Bridge off Highland Park Way, which will more or less complete the West Seattle section of the trail all the way to the WS Bridge.

Parking & Meet-Up
Parking shouldn’t be a problem as there’s plenty under the bridge, but it’s a little confusing getting there. From West Seattle take West Marginal just past Subway, take a left on Highland Park Way and then another left on 2nd Ave SW, then a right on Michigan and follow around the underside of the bridge to parking. Look for the van. I’ll have my phone on me if you need to reach out at 206-852-9552.

BABY STORY TIME: Noon at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).

BLUE ANGELS JET VISITS: As reported on Sunday, the Blue Angels‘ #7 jet is due to land at Boeing Field in the 1:30-2:30 pm vicinity for winter planning meetings.

CITY COUNCIL: The councilmembers’ second briefing meeting of the year is at 2 pm – here’s the agenda, which also explains how to watch (no comment period during briefings).

GET CRAFTY: 6-10 pm, Monday is “Crafting and Creativity Night” at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW), info here.

D&D: Weekly D&D at 6:30 pm at Meeples Games (3727 California SW). All welcome, including first-time players.

LISTENING TO GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: 6:30 pm with Tamara Kubacki, meeting at Mama Be Well Healing Studio (4034 California SW). “Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing.” – you can attend once or multiple times. Fee. Preregistration requested – our calendar listing explains how.

BASKETBALL: The West Seattle High School boys host Seattle Prep tonight, varsity at 7:30 pm. (3000 California SW)

CONCESSIONS FUNDRAISER: And if you’re going to the game(s), we received this announcement:

The West Seattle High School softball team is selling concessions at the WSHS basketball games tonight (JV at 6 pm, V at 7:45 pm). There will be pizza, mini Bundt cakes, drinks and other goodies. Many items sold out last week so come by early and often! Proceeds go toward uniforms, travel, and team events. Direct donations can also be made here (note ‘for softball’ so it easily gets to the team!):

Venmo: @WSBooster

MONDAY NIGHT TRIVIA! Four places to play tonight! Every-other-week music quiz at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), 6:30 and 7:30 pm … 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander); 7 and 8 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge (4505 39th SW); 7:30 pm with QuizFix at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)

MEDITATION IN FAUNTLEROY: Monday night meditating – free weekly Zen sitting/meditation in the chapel at Fauntleroy UCC (9140 California SW), 7 pm-8:30 pm.

MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: The Alley has music Monday nights, with The Westside Trio, 8 pm at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW), 21+, no cover.

MONDAY KARAOKE 9 pm, it’s Monday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW).

If you have a West Seattle/White Center event to add to our calendar, please send the info to – thank you!

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