Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle. New sponsors have the opportunity to tell you about who they are and what they do – so here’s a message from FLCWS’s Pastor Bryon Hansen:
We want you to know that all are welcome at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle (4105 California SW).
First Lutheran has been in West Seattle since 1918. For more than a century, the people of First Lutheran have gathered for worship and we have carried out our ministry and mission. The congregation has enjoyed a long and fruitful relationship with the neighborhood and community of West Seattle.
We worship every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to worship at First Lutheran, whether you’ve been a church member all your life or you’re new to the church, or a seeker who is searching for a faith community and a deeper connection with the mystery of God. All are welcome! Nursery care is available for families with small children. Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday.
First Lutheran has a long tradition of rich music. Congregational singing is ably supported by the Deo Gloria Cantores choir and, since 1976, the Noack pipe organ. Hundreds of musicians from far and near have visited the organ that has brought joy and comfort and many more who have experienced its beauties in the worship life of the church.
All are welcome to our coffee hour every Sunday. We meet in the parish lounge after the service, for coffee and cookies and conversation.
For those who desire formation in faith, an adult class takes place most Sundays after the coffee hour. Currently we are exploring “Life in Christ.” This is for all and especially geared toward those who are new and seeking to get connected to the people and ministry of First Lutheran.
One of the features of First is our commitment of care and compassion for the poor and hungry. We support the West Seattle Food Bank/Helpline, Mary’s Place, and the ministry of Riverton United Methodist Church offering shelter and support for asylum seekers and refugees.
First is part of the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the largest Lutheran church body in the United States. For more information, see or our church website at
I’ve been with First Lutheran since March of 2024. It is such a blessing to be with this incredibly loving community. My hope is that we will continue to open our doors wide and to be a place of prayer for all people, and that we will continue to engage the people of West Seattle in meaningful relationships and service to our neighbors in need.
God’s Peace in this new year,
Pastor Bryon Hansen
Thanks to First Lutheran Church of West Seattle for sponsoring community-collaborative news on WSB. Is your business/organization/church/school/etc. interested in becoming a sponsor too? Please call 206-293-6302.