Coats and warm clothing to spare? Two 1-day West Seattle donation events this Saturday

If you have coats/warm clothing you don’t need – donate them to someone who does. in addition to ongoing drives (see the list in our West Seattle Holiday Guide), here are two opportunities on Saturday (December 7):

CAUDLE FAMILY’S DROP-OFF DRIVE: Once again this year, the Caudle family will be in the lot behind Hope Lutheran Church (off SW Oregon just east of 42nd SW), where you can drive up/ride up/walk off and drop off your donation(s).

They’re collecting non-perishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank as well as coats/warm clothing for WSFB’s Clothesline and the Westside Interfaith Network, 10 am-3 pm. Leah, Tim, Atticus, and Dominic Caudle hope to see you there.

SOUTHWEST PRECINCT DRIVE: Seattle Police Community Service Officers are collecting warm clothing 11 am-3 pm the same day (Saturday, December 7) at the precinct, 2300 SW Webster. They’ll be in the community room, right off the parking lot on the south side of the building.

4 Replies to "Coats and warm clothing to spare? Two 1-day West Seattle donation events this Saturday"

  • Seana December 3, 2024 (10:06 am)

    THANK YOU TO Leah, Tim, Atticus, and Dominic Caudle! You are an amazing family. 

  • MrsImpossible December 3, 2024 (2:55 pm)

    Does anyone know if they accept gently used and clean coats or is it only new? Thanks!

    • WSB December 3, 2024 (3:00 pm)

      Gently used/clean have always been accepted.

  • Tammy Bare December 4, 2024 (5:11 am)

    So great to see the Caudle family hosting this event again.  We have donated every year.  Shows the impact you can make if one only steps up.  Thank You!

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